Monthly Prompt -Rambo-Cario-

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October 2018's promt is abandoned places

"Rambo! Don't be a scaredy cat! What's the worst thing that can happen?" Cario, an esk much bigger then Rambo, tried encouraging the small green and brown esk to continue on there grand adventure. "Something can fall on me! Or you! Or- we can fall through the floor- or GHOSTS! G-ghosts are scary!" The Robin sized esk was currently pacing back and forth. They where 5 minutes away from where the abandoned hotel was that Rambo heard about, now the fear and anxiety had seeped in. "What if I protected you? You can even ride on my back!" Cario suggested hoping in it would lessen the fear in her tiny esk friend. The wind was very light but was still noticeable from the way the leafs danced off the trees. Small noises could be heard from the tiny crunches, snaps, and splashes other animals where making all around them causing Rambo to be filled with more fear. Rambo thought about riding the taller esks back. It would be warmer... and he'd have a place to hide if needed. "A-alright! But, only because I'm not a s-scaredy cat!" Rambo exclaimed trying to act brave but failing as he stutters. Cario said 'awwww' in her head as Rambo climbs on her back and snuggles into the spot her cacti would be. The only thing showing that Rabos nature feature is the leaf growing from the back of his head. Cario started onward making jokes like "If you got stuck in a carved pumpkin, would that make it an Esk o' Lantern?" that Rambo would laugh at. The moment the reached their destination the atmosphere felt different. It was spooky. Rambo felt as if someone was watching him, him but not her. The abandoned hotel was very run down. Paint pealed off as vines of plants Rambo couldn't identify grew through the walls and windows, doors, and any opening. "Well, want to be first to go in?" Cario's excited voice asked. "U-u-um just keep walking! Please??" Rambo shily asked the bigger esk. She nods her head and walked onward.

This story has 354 words

Rambo is owned by DragonsForForever on Deviantart

Cario is owned by CloudSteps on Deviantart

AP Breakdown
Base Score: 7 AP (Writing: 354 words)
+10 AP (Monthly Prompt)
+5 AP (Personal Work Bonus)
+20 AP (Other Esk Bonus: 10 AP * 2)
+20 AP (Esk Interaction Bonus: 10 AP * 2)
Total AP per submission: 62

GP Breakdown
Base Score: 3.5 GP (Writing: 354 words)
+1 GP (Monthly Prompt)
Total GP per submission: 4.5

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