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Noodle- Tell. Me. Everything.

- Okay so, las' night, while Mudz were sleepin', I wa' walkin' 'round and f'en I got dizzy and fell ovah'.

Noodle- Oh no!

- *cough* I'm okay *cough* though. *HACK*


Noodle- Um... I think I know what this is... Did the doctors already tell you?


- There's nofing wrong...

Noodle- But Toochie-

- I said, There's nothing wrong!

I finally snapped. Too many people asking, just stop fucking asking.

Noodle- I'm... I'm sorry... I'm... I have to go do something really quick...

Tears were welling up in her eyes as she ran out of the room. I smirked. I felt weird. I just sat there laughing. And laughing, and laughing. I couldn't stop... When Noodle came back I was still laughing. Her red face made it worse. The doctor came in and tried to calm me down but I just kept laughing. No... It wasn't laughing... It was cackling... Almost like, seeing her hurt made everything better... fuck.

[Noodles POV] i know this is weird but hang on.

The doctor said that D had recovered when he woke up. He gave us a bag of painkillers and we went on our way. Toochie changed... We saw a dead bird by the hospital door and he reacted so weirdly...

2D- Noodle! Haha, come 'er, look at this dumb fuck! I's gon' ge' us all infec'ed. (shouting at the building) Look out 'fis motherfucka's i's comin'!

Normally, he would tell me to go there and pray for it, considering I was the only one in the house who had a "normal" religion as Murdoc called it. Not this time though. He laughed at it. Sometime during the evening I heard a shriek in Murdocs room. I went in and Toochie had him in the same position Murdoc had him in. The one that got him in the hospital...

Murdoc- Noodle! Get Russel! Now!

- What happened? What's going on? Toochie? What are you doing?

2D- Get out of meh fookin face. If yew get Russ I swear tah whatevah' "merciful" god yew got, you're fuckin next.

Thankfully, Russel came up behind me so that I wouldn't get hurt.

Russel- Noodle, go to your room. I'mma teach these crackers a lesson and I don't wanna get blood on your pretty little face.

- Okay...

I went to my room and locked the door. I was too stressed out. I put on some music and started playing a zombie game Toochie got me for Christmas. What happened to him? What caused him to go ape shit on Murdoc. How did he even beat Murdoc? Fuck. What's he gonna do to Paula? About 15 minutes into my thoughts I heard soft knocking on my door. 

2D- N-noods? I's D... C-can yew open 'fe door?

- Are you going to hurt me?

2D- No! Noodle, I would nevah'- Could yew open 'fe door so I can talk tah yew about 'fis?

- okay...

I opened the door to Toochie in tears. He hugged me tightly and sobbed on my shoulder. When he threw his arms up to hug me, there was a shiny silver streak that I only caught a glimps of, but I'm pretty sure it was a knife. 

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