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Murdoc- Hah. Time for your punishment.
- what the F U C K?
Inside the room this sour dick pickle had set up bondage chain against the wall and a whip on the nightstand, along with latex gloves, a vibrator, and a belt. I heard a raspy chuckle and felt a hot breath on my neck. Murdocs forehead was resting on my neck.
Murdoc- You wish. I forgot to clean this up from the bird I had over yesterday.
-M-mudz... 'em poor women...
Murdoc- Now don't get too sympathetic. I saw the search history on your laptop, plus the whips and shit in your wardrobe. Don't act all high and mighty.

-Y-you saw my taser too?
Murdoc- Taser? What the fuck is wrong with you? Not even I do that.
Murdoc- Unless of course... You want to...
- w h a t?
Murdoc- Kidding. I wouldn't dream of it facache.
I looked around the room to see what Murdoc could mean by "punishment". He walked over to his wardrobe and opened it, but only enough for him to see. He then pulled out a needle and some thread.
Murdoc- Okay, hold the needle, sharp side down. Good, now stay still.
He slid the thread through and tied it. Not exactly what you're supposed to do, but I'd rather not get that thing stabbed in my eye.
-uhm... w-wha exagly is you doin, mate?
Murdoc- Shut the fuck up, you'll see.
Without warning, he stuck the needle into my upper lip and pulled the string through. Then, he looped it through about 4 times, until I had a small blue ring looking thing on my lip.
Murdoc- There. Next time you fuck up like that again, I'll add more. Don't call me Murdick, ever again. Now get the fuck outta my room!
Shit. That's scary. As soon as I sat on my bed I felt a buzz on my butt. Did I get a vibrator out of my wardrobe and forget? Nope. It was my phone
R| Hey, it's Rose.
2| Oh hey. What's up?
R| Nothing much. You?
2| Well, my lip is bleeding because the crazy pickle just put a hole in my lip. But, other than that, nothing.
R| Oh god. Did you clean it out?
2| not yet.
R| hold on.
I just sat there clueless, then there was knock at the front door, everyone was sleeping so I went down to get it.
- Rose? What is ya doin here?
Rose- Fuck, love. That looks bad. Show me where the medical shit is.

- O-okay.

I opened the cupboard and took out the first aid kit. Rose took out the scissors and cut the string off. Then, she grabbed the rubbing alcohol and a cotton swab. I winced at the pain, but it wasn't much compared to what Murdoc does to me.

Rose- You okay?

-Yeah, I'm fine. Just stings.

Rose- You never told me your name...

-Ah...Um...Well... My "actual" name is Stuart, but the name 'at I answer to is 2D.

Rose- Right, but which one do you prefer?

-Well during sex, Stu... Aw shit... I didn't mean ta... 2D is fine.

Rose- You imagine us having sex?

-O-oh... um... I-I imagine 'eryone I meet having sex...

(Rose is done cleaning his lip now, just letting you know)

Rose- Oh really...? sure what you're getting at here...

Rose lowered her eyelids to half mass and stared at my lips. Then she started to lean in. That was when I got what she was getting at.

-H-h-hey, wait! Murdoc will kill me if he fin-

She cut me off with a kiss that was somewhat hard at first but then we kind of melted into it. I broke the kiss and grabbed her hand, then pulled her up the stairs into my room. Once I shut my door, I heard the door next to mine open. Uh oh.


Rose- Huh?

-N-no time ta explain jus hide!

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