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My eyes fluttered open. I expected a headache, but it just never came. There was a lady in a blue scrubs.

- um... Ma'am?
Nurse- Yes
She had a soft American accent.
- is... Where...? How...? Hmm... I normally 'ave a headache... ?
Nurse- Vicodin and Percocet. I'm about to change it to Morphine.
- ah...
Nurse- Your friends are in the waiting room. Would you like to see them?
- um... Why not...?
Nurse- Alright. Just a moment.
Loud voices in the hallway and footsteps leading up to the room I was in.
Noodle- Toochie! I was really worried!
Murdoc- We should sue the guy who hit you.
Russel- For once. I actually agree with Murdoc.
Knock knock
- Who is it?
The door opened slightly.
Ace- Ahem. The guy who hit you.
I sat up too quickly and laid back down to try again. Once I was up I stared at him, puzzled.
- why are yew here?
Ace- Well, I hit the lead singer of my favorite band...
Murdocs eyes widened.
Murdoc- Ace?
Ace- Hey, Doc. Been a long time, huh?
Murdoc- Dammit.
I opened my mouth to say something but Russel beat me to it.
Russel- You two know each other?
Ace- Yes. Oh! By the way, I admire the way you flipped me off right before I hit you.
Huh... He's kind of-
Murdoc- D? Your nose...
- huh? What the fuck? I'm nawt in a fookin anime...
My nose was fucking bleeding...
Ace- Getting turned on by my sexyness?
-No! *Cough* Why would I *cough* think you're sexy? *Cough*
I started coughing up blood and a... petal?
Murdoc- Fuck. Can we get doctor in here?
Everything started going blurry and dark. When I woke up it was bright outside.  A different nurse was in here this time.
Nurse- Good Afternoon! Your friends went home, but I can call them for you.
- N-no fank yew. C-could I speak-k to a do-doctor?
Nurse- Of course.
A couple minutes later I see a purple tuft of hair pop in the doorway.
Doc- You decent?
- Oh! Um.. Y-yeh...
He was wearing a doctors mask, like the one's they wore in the 1400's. Just purple and pink hair poking out at the top.
Doc- So... Want me to give you your injuries from worst to not.. worst...?
- Um... Nawt wers to wers...
Doc- Okay! Bruised ribs, broken nose, fractured hand, broken arm, torn skin, chipped spine, collapsed lung, and a disease...
- Oh god... How is we gon' pay fer all a' dis?! Oh god....
Doc- Actually, your disease is so rare that, well, we'd be willing to clear your bill if you let us test you once a month.
- w-wha's my d-dise-ase?
Doc- *Ahem* You have hanahaki disease.
-w-wha's f'at?
Doc- Hanahaki Disease is an illness born from one-sided love, where the patient throws up and coughs up flower petals when they suffer from one-sided love. 
  He gestured to the jug of bloody flower petals.  
- oh... I jus' figured those flowa's by my bed was Nood's doin'...
Doc- Why are you so calm about this?
I lifted my arm and pointed to the I.V hanging on the rod.
- morphine. Fey did f'at a while ago...
Doc- Right.
- so... can I ge' rid a' da flowa's?
Doc- Well, you can but, you would no longer be able to feel love.
- Is it d...deadly?
Doc- Yes... The growing flowers are clogging your windpipe, so you won't be able to breath.
- w-what?!
Doc- That's why you'll come in every month, so that we can trim the flowers without completely getting rid of them. That is, if you say yes.We did that when fixing your lung.
- Well, I'll die if I don'! 
Nurse- Doctor Petrov? The patients friends are here.
Doc- Would you like to see them? Also when did you get here, I thought they suspended your nursing licence...?
Nurse- Served them with papers for fraud and they gave it back.
- um... Doc? p-please don' tell 'em about meh disease...
Doc-  Okay, so once every month?
- Y-yeh... Mudz is ou' on every twelve'f.
Doc- Perfect! Jessica send them in.
The door busted open. It was Russ.
Russel- D? You okay? 
- Yep! They've cleared our bill too!
Murdoc- What? Why?
- umm... Jus' bein' nice I guess...
Noodle- Well, whatever. As long as you're all right!
She smiled that cute smile she's had on for years. Good Grief...
Noodle- You okay?
They were all quickly shoved out by the doctor.
Doc- Charmed by me yet?
- *cough* flower petals... ch-charmed? 
I looked down at the the bloody blue and purple flower petals in my hand.
Doc- Wanna go out? It might get rid of the petals.
- um... I don' even know yo' name...
Doc- Victor Petrov. Sorry if I'm being forward, but you seem really cool.
- s-sure...?
Doc- Heh. Truth is... I haven't had a date in four years. Haha.
- oh... OH YEW'RE HERE! HI GUYS!!!
Murdoc- ...yeah...
Noodle- Everybody ready to go home?
Doc- Actually, he has to stay here in Urgent Care for a couple days... Sorry...
Noodle- Oh okay... hmmm... Can we stay over night?
Doc- Of course!
Russel- Okay, we'll come up with a schedule. How long's he gotta be here?
Doc- About 4 days, depending on his condition throughout time.
Russel- Alright, who wants to stay here tonight?
Murdoc- I will.
I coughed up a whole flower. Thankfully, everyone looked after I got the flower out of my mouth.
Murdoc- You okay dents? Where'd you get the flower? Why's it got blood on it?
- wh-why is yew askin so many ques'ions?
Murdoc- I'm concerned, D.
- hhh... fine. Why dew yew wanna stay wiff meh?
Murdoc- It's a schedule Dullard.
He tilted his head to the side and rolled his eyes.
Russel- O..kay... So, Murdoc will stay here tonight, Noodle tomorrow, me {INSERT WEEKDAY CUZ YEH}, and who wants to go on the day after?
Murdoc & Ace- I'll do that (too).
Murdoc- Obviously, I'm doing it.
Ace- C'mon. I just got here. Plus you got your day already.
Russel- D? What do you want?
- umm... M-m-mudz...?
Murdoc- Hah. See? My bluebird can't stay away from me.
He walked over and thumped my back, to which I coughed up another few bloody petals. They all saw and stared at me wide eyed.
Murdoc- Did you just cough up petals?
- um...
Noodle- The fuck?
Russel- Language. You alright?
- I... umm... I... ate... a...um... bouquet.... yeh... Yeh.
They all looked at me suspiciously. That was such a stupid excuse.
Murdoc- Um, okay...? I'm gonna go get some clothes for tomorrow...
Noodle- We'll stay here.
Murdoc came back with a duffel bag and everyone left. So it was just me and him. Send help, please.


Sorry that this is shorter than usual. There's been some family drama over the last few days. So... Yeah. I might be later than usual with some stuff. Sorry.

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