“Grandma I’m hungry too,” Aaliyah whined.

“Then help me set the table so we all can eat,” Isabelle said as she handed Aaliyah the cutlery.

“Here Vic your phone is ringing,” Zachary said handing Victoria her cell phone.


Zachary was busy trying to steal ravioli from Victoria’s plate when Victoria suddenly became still and her phone dropped to the floor.

“Vic what’s wrong?” he asked as he looked at her, her eyes wide with shock as a tear ran down her face.

“Vic what’s wrong?”

“I have to go,” she said unlocking her chair.

“Go where?”

“To the police station get mom, we have to go.”


Dante inhaled deeply as he stretched, after being locked up for over a week he suddenly had a new found appreciation for his freedom.

“You look like you've aged twenty years,” Elijah said as he slung his arm around Dante’s shoulder as they walked to Elijah’s car.

“You really know how to comfort a guy Elijah,” he said pushing his arm off of him.

“Yeah, yeah, it’s the truth,”

Dante ran his hand under his chin feeling the weeks’ worth of stubble that had graced his face.

“Everyone is waiting for you at home, Victoria was discharged today, and she should be at the house by now.” Elijah said as they got into the car.

“Can you take me home first; I need to make myself presentable first,”

“I see Victoria is starting to rub off on you,” Elijah said with a chuckle.

“That she is in more ways than I could ever imagine,” he said with a smile, thinking about seeing Victoria again and knowing she was fighting for him kept him from going insane, he couldn’t wait to see her.


     “You feel like you’re getting a fever,” Gaby said as she pressed her hand to Victoria’s forehead as they waited for Director Fortune to join them. Victoria had rushed out of the house after James called to let her know that they had finally caught up with her attacker. Victoria wanted to see his face again as she confirmed his identity.

“Sorry to keep you waiting, are you ready Vic?”

“Yes,” James escorted Victoria and Gaby to the viewing room.

“I just want you to confirm if the man we have in custody is indeed the man who attacked you. He’s in the next room you will be able-”

“Uncle James you can save your energy I know the routine,”

“I’m sorry I forgot I am dealing with a professional,” James said with a chuckle as they entered the viewing room. The minute she laid eyes on him her heart rate began to pick up as flashes of her attack and the memory of how helpless she felt resurfaced.

“Victoria is he man who attacked you?” James asked Victoria’s eyes glued onto the man. The man looked up and seemed to staring right at her, Victoria started to pick at her thumbnail as she began to feel uncomfortable.

“Is this the man that attacked you Victoria?” he asked again and she shook her head yes.

“Yes that’s him,” she said never taking her eyes off of him as she steeled her nerves. “What’s his name?”

“His legal name is Eliot Coburn but people call him Chibs because of the scar left on his neck when he was stabbed by his father.”

“Has he said anything?”

“No, he seems to be pretty loyal to Jeffery, but we don’t need him to talk, he’s done,”

“When you find out who the prosecutor is let me know,”

“Uh-yeah sure but why?”

“Can I go now?”

“Yeah, “

“Make sure you come by for dinner tonight,” Gaby said to James before wheeling Victoria out.


Alone for the first time in what seemed like forever Victoria sat up in bed she could hear her family laughing and everyone talking over each other. As much as she wanted to join them her body wouldn’t allow it but her mind would not rest. She had to plan her next step, she couldn’t afford to be blindsided by Jeffery anymore. A soft knock at her door caused her to look up and her heart skipped a beat when she recognized the smiling face staring back at her.

“It’s about time you got here Mr. Jones,” she said as heat crept up into her cheeks.

“I’m sorry I had to get pretty for you,” he said as he closed the door behind him before walking over to her.

“You’re looking much better,” he said as he touched her face as a tear slid down her cheek.

“Hey what’s this?” he said as he brushed the tear away “Why are you crying I just got here,”

“I’m sorry,” she said with a sniffle.

“Sorry for what? You didn’t do anything wrong.”

“I shouldn’t have gotten you involved in all of this; you went to jail because of me,”

“No I went to jail because that bastard lied on me but I shouldn’t have attacked him. You have nothing to do with this,”


“-I don’t want to hear any buts Victoria. The only thing I want to hear from you is what you told me while we were on the phone the other day.”

“What are you talking about?” she said avoiding his gaze.

“You know exactly what I mean, you said it pretty fast but I heard it, now say it again.” He said with that smirk that annoyed Victoria to no end.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about Mr. Jones,” she said turning her head to stare at the wall. Dante chuckled as he cupped her chin and turn her head, their eyes locked as he bent over to level with her. She could feel the shadow of his lips over hers, just a few centimeters closer she could have the kiss she had been waiting for. Her eyes pleaded with him but Dante stood firm.

“Say it first,”

Victoria took in a quick breath and held it as she studied him; she knew that he wasn’t going to give her what she wanted until he got what he wanted first.

“I said…I love you,” she said causing her heart to skip a beat.

“I love you too,” Dante said before giving her a devastatingly sensual kiss that left her breathless and silently cursing her broken body.

Someone cleared their throat breaking the couple’s attention away from each other and towards the doorway where Nick and Gaby looked on. Gaby smiling like a giddy school girl while Nick looked the least bit amused.

“It’s time for dinner,” Gaby said as she pushed Nick out of the way to grab Victoria’s wheelchair.

“Dante would you mind helping me out,” Victoria said and Dante scooped her up out of the bed holding onto her tightly. Victoria knew that at least for the night she could let her guard down and feel at ease.

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