Liquid Courage & Heat Lightning

Start from the beginning

Mom is surprisingly calm, though she’s made enough food to feed an army.  She keeps setting appetizers out on tables and fussing over everyone.  Steve is there, watching over everything like some sort of hillbilly king.  I’m sitting on the sofa next to Laura, watching Flip chase Kyle through the room.  Tom is standing across the way, holding Lana.  He’s talking to her and smiling, and the baby is giggling and smiling at him.  I can’t take my eyes off of him, but I’m trying really hard to focus in on what Laura is saying.

“It’s so good to see you again, Charlie.  It’s been so long.” Laura sighs and sits back on the sofa. She looks tired but happy.

“It’s good to see you too, Laura.  Your kids are…amazing. I’m a little sad that it’s the first time I’m seeing them.” I sigh.  I’ve missed more here than just my mother.  I’ve missed Laura getting married, and having two kids. 

“Well, we will just have to make up for lost time.” She smiles warmly at me, and when I look at her, there’s unspoken words there.  It’s as if she understands.  She knows why I’ve been gone.  I reach over and give her a little hug.  She hugs me back, and pats my leg.

“Will you be around for awhile?  I’ve heard Tiny Baker is really doing well with you in town.” She glances at Tom, who is sort of doing this walking dance through the room with Lana.  I glance at him, feeling something in my chest tugging. 

“I’m not sure, to be honest.  I’ve been thinking about splitting my time between here and Los Angeles.” I keep saying this.  I’m beginning to think I’m actually sort of serious about the idea.  Laura’s eyes light up and she smiles.

“That would be fantastic.  I’d love to have you around more.  Things are tough for me right now, what with Martin and I divorcing.” She presses her lips together and then leans in close to me.

“I heard about that.  I’m really so sorry.”

“It’s for the best, that cheating bastard.” She says this at a low whisper, so her kids, who are completely occupied, won’t chance at hearing her.  “But you know…we’re a family of tough cookies.  The women at least.  I won’t let it get me down.  You made it through a divorce, and look at you!” She looks at me with her warm brown eyes and I reach over and squeeze her hand.  We used to be so close as kids, and I suddenly ache for the closeness again.  To have friends, and family that I can talk to and share things with. 

“We are a pretty tough family.” I smile.  “And just let me know if you need anything. I’ll help any way I can.” I offer.  Laura smiles and her eyes go a little watery, but then she sort of shuts it off, blinking it away.  I know the feeling, not letting your emotions get the best of you.  We turn toward Tom, who is juggling holding Lana and keeping her from grabbing the chip he’s trying to eat. 

“Tom, you’re rather comfortable holding a baby.” Laura smiles at him.  Tom laughs and rocks Lana, who is still happy as can be. 

“I have a younger sister and I’ve got some nieces and nephews.” He smiles and walks over, sitting down on the edge of the chair across from us.  He sets Lana between his legs, holding her under the arms.  She balances on her chubby legs, but let’s them bend, but she doesn’t totally seem in the mood to walk around.  She seems happy just letting him hold her up and bounce her around.

“Do you want kids of your own?” Laura asks Tom. She glances at me, her eyes sparkling, and then she looks back at him.  He seems caught off guard by this question and his eyes widen for a minute.  He looks down at Lana, who is waving her chubby arms and babbling incoherently at Tom.

“She sure does have a lot to say.” He chuckles to Laura, who laughs. He then looks over at me and smiles. “Yes, I’d love to have kids.  Some day. With the right person.” He looks away and focuses back on Lana, who reaches up and starts grabbing at his face.  Tom laughs, and I feel as if I can barely breath.  Laura glances at me and smiles, and then goes back to talk to Tom.  She asks him about his job, and when he tells her he’s an actor, she lights up, suddenly realizing why he looks so familiar.

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