Two Eggs, Over Easy

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A/N: Hope you guys are in the mood for fluff, because that's all this is, to be honest! :) Happy Saturday!

I'm going to be honest, I have no idea where I am.  The bed is soft and a bit lumpy, but it is way too dark in here to be my room.  My room is Los Angeles is eternally bright and sunny, no matter how many black out curtains I install.  The room I'm in now is dark, and surprisingly cool.  It also smells a little weird—musty and incense-y and like whiskey.  Ah yes. I'm in Maryland.  Hobbit hole.

And I'm definitely not alone.  This realization hits me quickly, and I'm pretty sure I'm in shock for a moment.  Who is curled up around me? Shaun? The non-Disney Prince Shaun? My brain is still fuzzy with sleep (and sloshing in alcohol), and I can't help but think "Where did he come from?"  Suddenly, I get some creepy vision of Shaun traveling across the US, arriving at my doorstep, coming into my little cottage and climbing into my bed while I sleep.  But wait, no.  It's not Shaun.  It's Tom.  Just Tom.  Who also travelled across the US, arrived at my doorstep, came into my little cottage and climbed (drunkenly) into my bed.  Somehow, knowing it's Tom, it's not as creepy.  It's endearing.  Okay, maybe it's a little creepy if I word it that way.

Right now, Tom is doing his best impression of a sleeping koala. He's wrapped around me like I'm the last eucalyptus tree on the earth.  It's nice, if not a bit intimate, but strangely enough it isn't the first time we've slept next to each other.  It's also not the first time he's surprise cuddled me in the middle of the night.  He doesn't do it on purpose, he does it in his sleep and it's a bit strange and disconcerting if you're not ready for it. 

He has his long arm wrapped around my waist, and his even longer legs intertwined with mine.  His face is nuzzled into the back of my neck and shoulders and I can feel him breathing against him.  He's out cold.  I lie still, listening to him breathing for a bit.  It's a creepy thing to do, but he's creepy, so I guess we are a good pair. 

I'll admit it now.  I haven't slept like this with someone since...the last time I slept next to Tom.  Which was, incidentally, his birthday about three years ago.  But that's a story for another time.  It feels nice and my strange brain starts to wander, as I lie next to him, feeling my arm go slowly numb.

What would it be like to wake up next to him like this, every day?  Boring? Enthralling? Strange? I have a feeling I know, but it's not really worth thinking about, is it? Tom's never been interested in me like that, and I have never wanted to go there.  With him or anyone really.  So for the moment, I'm going to enjoy the closeness.  It's nice to be physically near someone I trust, and care about, with no motivation or yearning other than to be touching another person.  If you take things for exactly what they are, things don't seem so overwhelming or complicated.

I close my eyes, hoping I can fall back asleep, but then I feel Tom stir.  For some strange reason, I hold my breath and wait, not wanting him to know I'm awake. A second later, he moves again, and then... then he is kissing my neck.

So a few things are going through my head at the moment. 

(1) There's a lot of cursing, all internal because of Grandma, but there's definitely a lot of cursing. 

(2) Then there's confusion.  Does he know what he's doing? Is he still drunk? Is it really Tom? Has he been possessed?

(3) And then...then there's how it feels.  I'm sort of completely mortified to admit that my heart starts pounding, and something deep in my stomach starts sending out waves and screams of absolute pleasure.   

"It's happening! Hold on! Let's go on this ride! It'll be fun! You're finally tall enough to ride! Get on! Get on!" It's screaming in my head, as I feel Tom's hand press into my stomach, pulling me against his wall of a torso. 

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