Second Batch

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A/N: Sorry this chaps a little lame, but...they did just do it against a tree, so please...go easy on me. Haha.

"Charlie! Charlie." Mandy's voice breaks me from a reverie that, if I'm going to be honest, is mostly just various slow motions shots of Tom.  Tom kissing my neck.  Tom sleeping naked on his stomach.  Tom groaning above me, his face...

Oh corn bread.

"Yes? Hi." I look up from my mixer, and see Mandy, staring at me from the doorway to the kitchen.

"What...are you doing?" She juts a hip out and narrows her eyes at me.  I looked down and let out a soft, barely audible curse word. I won't say which one.

"This is the second batch I've ruined." I pick up my mixer and begin scraping the batter into the trash.  The first one I ruined by losing count half way through adding flour, and then again while beating eggs.  This time, it looks I've added salt instead of sugar.  I frown at the big bag of kosher salt that is sitting innocently next to the nearly identical bag of sugar.

"This is your fault." I whisper harshly at the bag.  Mandy looks at me oddly, and then walks over, having a seat on one of the stools.

"Don't blame the inanimate object, Charlie." She smiles and puts her elbow on the table, balancing her chin in her hand.

"Maybe today is not the day for brownies." I shrug, dropping the mixer into the sink.

"We are sold out of toffee and milk chocolate bars, and I ate the last triple berry tart." She smiles and then holds up a five dollar bill and tucks it into my apron.  I roll my eyes and finish cleaning up.

"Tomorrow is another day." I say softly, a quick blip of an image flashing before my eyes.  Bright, blue eyes.  An easy smile.  Strong, deft hands.  Tom moaning as he lowers his head between my...oh for the love of banana cream fucking pie.

"So when do we get to talk about you and Tom making out like you just discovered hormones?" Mandy rocks forward, her face gleeful.  I do a double take, and make a face at her, horrified.

"That was...we were...what we did was not...." I drag out my words, not really make sense.

" in most states?" Her eyes are positively sparkling.

"Mandy." I press both hands to my cheeks, trying to hide my smile and the furious blush creeping up my face.

"Oh. My. God.  Really? Finally?!" She exclaims, standing up and yanking me into a hug.  I laugh as I am crushed against her.  She jumps up and down as she hugs me, and I am forced to jump with her.  She's yelling and screeching, as she jumps, and she's so loud that we don't hear the store door open, or the kitchen door open.

"Charlie!!" She screeching.  We are both suddenly interrupted, when there's a loud, ridiculous laugh followed by clapping.  We both stop and look up, and Tom is standing across the room, watching us jump around like we are five.

"What are we celebrating?" He asks, smiling wide.  His hair today is more on the curly side, and he looks happy and well rested.  Which is surprising considering how little sleep we got the night before.  He's wearing a black v neck tshirt, and slim fitting dark jeans.  He looks so handsome, and my breath catches for a second.

Mandy and I stop jumping immediately, and she drops her arms from me as if he just told her I had some sort of incurable contagious disease.

"We were..." I stammer.  He raises an eyebrow, clasping his hands in front of him, waiting.  Mandy glances at me.

"We were just celebrating..." Mandy trails off.

"Cake. We love cake." I blurt out.

"Cake..." Tom says slowly, walking toward me.  I take two steps back for every one he takes.  Mandy sits back down on the stool, watching us.

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