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Summary:Honoka meets the bread of her dreams in a few altered fairy tales before she meets reality.


Honkpunzel was trapped in her tower never to see the outside world again. She was trapped inside by her a person she knew well, Umi who didn't want her secret to reach out to the entire world, her secret was... she was human, unlike the rest of the world who were slices of bread. Her stepmother for some reason eloped with her childhood friend, Kotori, her girlfriend, the only outsider allowed to step foot in the tower.

Honkpunzel before this had ran away, curious to see the outside world, the reason why she was trapped here at the moment. She wanted to see the wonderful world of bread. She wanted to learn the ways of the breadmen, all because she had fallen in love with a certain bread woman.

The bread women was the lady of her dreams. She had never swooned over any one that much, in fact she was the first on she's ever swooned over. Her flawless golden brown color because of toasting in the sun, her dashing green eyes, her kind earnest smile, her short auburn hair was just perfect along with her humble and competitive spirit. She had accepted Honkpunzel for who she was which only made her feelings stronger. Honkpunzel wished she could see her again, even if it would be the last time they would ever see each other.

From down below she heard a familiar voice. "Honkpunzel san are you here?"

A grin grew on Honkpunzel's face as she rushed from her bed where she was munching on some strawberries to the window. "Tsubread san I'm over here." she waved her arm vigorously as she yelled for her. Tsubread looked at her a relieved that she was alright, Umi had dragged Honkpunzel back to the tower. Tsubread neared the tall tower and looked at it wondering how she was going to climb her way up. "Honkpunzel san how do I get up?" Tsubread yelled so Honkpunzel can hear. "Eh? I never thought about it." Honkpunzel said sheepishly, rubbing the back of her head, taking a glance behind her. "Do you have a rope?" Honkpunzel shook her head, in denial.

Honkpunzel thought about it for a minute. A rope needed some thread right. Or maybe she could make a ladder with the amount of unnecessary books in the tower. An idea hit her head hard and she snapped her fingers. "Tsubread san I'll be right back." she yelled down at her before searching for a needle and some thread. She was going to make a rope out of strawberries and thread, even though she didn't really know how to use a needle and thread.

'How does Kotori chan chan do it?' she thought as she struggled to insert the thread through the small hole of the needle. It was just so hard but she had finally managed to do it. 'Faito dayo!' slowly she pierced through her never ending stash of strawberries, one strawberry at a time with an occasional "ow" for pricking herself, blood dripping out from the miniscule injuries, but it was no big deal.

And finally she was done. Her strawberry rope was done and she still had a whole stack of strawberries left. She scurried to the window and yelled to Tsubread who was sitting on the ground, plucking on the grass bored. "Tsubread san tell the magic words!" Tsubread got up and looked at her intently. "Honkpunzel, Honkpunzel let down your uh... um... rope?"

Honkpunzel let down her rope which just happened to be the correct height. "Faito dayo Tsubread san!" she encouraged as she held onto the rope as tightly as she can as Tsubread scaled the tower, little grains of her falling in the ground. Tsubread had quickly reached the top letting out a hand so that she could let Honkpunzel pull her in. Honkpunzel did exactly the same, pulling her in but in the process Honkpunzel tripped backward making the two fall on the floor of Honkpunzel's room, Tsubread on top.

Their faces were so close to each other, their breaths mixing together as they stared into each other's eyes in happiness and content that they were together at that very moment. "I'm so sorry I'll get up..." Tsubread blushed, which pretty much meant her cheeks were black, a quality of the breadmen as their "blood" would rush up and over heat the cheeks causing them to burn but they could return to the normal color of course. They were living pieces of bread after all. "Wait Tsubread san I've got to tell you something!" Honkpunzel blurted. Tsubread stopped her motion and paid attention to her.

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