My Angel (YohaMaru)

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This had taken me sometime but I'm so happy I got it out as fast as I could(it hurt my heart while writing this :'(  ). Proof read by SockyCake on AO3 and FFN and umikichi7 on tumblr.

Summary: They were two polar opposites of each other. One protected the gates of heaven while the other guarded hell. One a carrier of love and kindness while the other a carrier of evil and destruction. One guided people to safety, the other tormented people. Polar opposites, but was it like people say, opposites attract? Was it possible for an angel and devil to fall in love?


An angel. A fallen angel. Two polar opposites of each other. One protected the gates of heaven while the other guarded hell. One a carrier of love and kindness while the other a carrier of evil and destruction. One guided people to safety, the other tormented people. Polar opposites, but was it like people say, opposites attract? Was it possible for an angel and devil to fall in love?

Maybe it was possible. Love is something that happens when you least expect it. She never knew how or when but she had fallen for a self- claimed fallen angel. Though she had a persona that most people would stay away from, it sucked her in like a whirlpool. She didn't know why people would ignore such a sweet kind hearted girl who would hide her securities in the weirdest way possible. It was cute really. Although she thought of things like these, she always felt like she was not worth such a beautiful girl. All she ever did was eat, gain weight and be a fat kid whose friends are books. Most importantly she held a dark secret, a secret that may reveal and spoil her life as well.

On the other hand, the other girl had never expected to fall in love with the booklover girl who hid herself in the confines of the library's books and shelves that held the wisdom of this world. A girl who'd eat over much and never gain as much, unlike herself, and always craved for more. A country girl with a strange yet cute verbal tick and a chubby figure that she'd never get sick of. But she too hid something deep within her, something that no one would believe as they'd claim it was only a childish fantasy.

Yoshiko Tsushima was just an innocent girl who for some reason had pathetic luck. Maybe the gods were testing her. Or maybe it just came by nature, she was a fallen angel, of course. It didn't really matter at the moment. She was excited to see her girlfriend Hanamaru after the very tiring day. Her girlfriend was the one who shone like a bright sun in her life, the one who guided her and brought her happiness, the one whom Yoshiko would always be grateful to. Yoshiko heard the door opening and rushed to the door hoping to see the love of her life. "Sorry I came late, it was raining outside zura." Hanamaru was soaking wet, leaving a trail of water as she rushed to the bathroom. Yoshiko got up from the sofa and went into their room and fetched a towel. "Ah, Zuramaru here's a towel." Yoshiko passed a towel to the dripping wet Hanamaru. "Thanks zura." she smiled before closing the bathroom door shut. Yoshiko floated all the way to the couch and crashed onto it, taking the TV remote nearby to turn it on and began to watch TV though her focus was far away from that.

It had been a few years since they became a couple. Yoshiko still remembered the day they became a couple. Yoshiko had a nostalgic smile on her face as she recalled memories. Yoshiko had called Hanamaru to her house to help her with a live stream she was going to hold. Due to some turn of events they had reached an awkward position where she had no other choice to tell how she felt, whether it be for the good or the worse. Using her amazing fallen angel jargon, Yoshiko confessed to her. Ever since then they were together, supporting one another. They revealed their secrets, the deepest darkest secrets- Hanamaru was an angel and Yoshiko was a fallen angel. A real angel and a fallen angel. They had come here on earth to save and destruct respectively. They and had fallen in love with each other and made nice mortal friends whom they weren't ready to lose. So they stayed back on earth. Now they had begun working. Yoshiko had become a video game programmer and Hanamaru, an aspiring writer.

Love Live one shotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon