Chapter One

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My name is Anniepie. Not Annie. My brother goes by both Johnny and Johnnycake, but I'm Anniepie. The gang gets me. I love my gang, every single member. They feel like family to me. They're the only family I have left after...

Woah! You guys don't even know what I'm talking about! Let me start at the beginning. Actually, let me start before the beginning.

 Four months before the story starts, I was taking a walk with Johnny after our parents chased us out of the house. Our parents never liked us. They always told us we were mistakes in their lives and that we should just kill ourselves. If Mr. and Mrs. Curtis were still alive, we would be living under their roof, with a family that actually loves us.

We were heading to the Dingo for lunch. Walking in silence, until one of us finally spoke. It was me. "Blue Mustang, 7 o'clock. Or 9 o'clock, or 8, or," I always liked using the o' clock thing, but without Pony, the smart one in the gang, I have no clue what's where. "Just run!" Johnnycake yelled, and we both ran. Neither of us are that fast, but the Mustang was faster. Four Socs piled out of the car. I look at Johnny with a panicked look in my eyes. He looks back at me, then back at the Socs. "W-what do you want," he stutters out. "I think you know," one of the Socs replied. They start ganging up on Johnny, who's now backing up. I step up and cut in front of Johnny. "Leave him alone!"

"Oh no, I'm so scared of a seven-year-old girl."

"I'm six. Not seven." I yelled back. "Anniepie run!" Johnny yells. One of the Socs shoved me to the side. Another one holds me down along with the other as two beat up Johnny. I scream as they punch and kick my older brother and slashed the rings across his face. I saw Johnny fall to the ground as I scream louder. The Socs holding me down squeeze me tighter, which makes me scream louder. 

After what felt like hours, but was probably only a few minutes, the Socs finally drove away. My throat burned from screaming, and my wrists and ankles were bleeding from when the Socs held me down. In pain, I crawled over to Johnnycakes, catching my breath from sobbing. I gently shake Johnnycake, still bawling. "Johnny? Johnnycake? Johnny!" I wrap my arms around him and just sob in his back. He's dead. Johnny's gone. The Socs killed him. I thought to myself and sobbed for hours and hours. What's a six-year-old supposed to do?

After hours of laying on Johnnycake, crying, I see out of the corner of my eye someone pick up his jean jacket. I look up to see it was Steve, holding his jacket, with Soda and Pony. I watch as Steve examined the jacket. I look down at Johnnycake and back up at the boys. Finally, I felt Johnny regain consciousness as he let out a moan. I get off of him. "Johnnycake?" Pony, Soda, and Steve come over, and from a distance, I can see Two-Bit.

Soda falls to his knees as he moves Johnny so he's lying face up. That's when I saw it. All over Johnny's body was blood, and his face looks as if someone cut it open. I gasp and back up and continue shedding 100 tears per minute. Darry pats my back and helps me to my feet, as I turn around and sob into his shirt. I can hear Dally saying stuff (stuff that made Pony cover my ears) as Darry gently rubbed my back.

"Johnny?" I can hear Soda say. "Hey, Johnnycakes?" 

"Soda?" I heard Johnny's voice, frailer than normal. I turn around, slowly calming down. "Yeah, it's me. Don't talk. You're gonna be okay." 

"There were a bunch of them." Johnny's voice shook as he spoke. I stepped up. "Shhhh. I'll explain to them later." I assured him. Suddenly, he broke down, making me break down even more. "It's okay Johnnycake," said Soda. "They're gone now."

I never left Johnny's side ever since. We were always in the same building, always in the same room (except bathroom), always by each other's side, always sleeping in the same room, and we never left each other's side. Dally always told us he'd get revenge for us, but I don't wanna see him get hurt. None of us wanted anyone else to get hurt.

Now, we can get to the beginning of the story... 

Cake, Pie, and PonyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon