My heart rate increased even more when I learned what the call was really about. For a moment I couldn't say anything. I was being given a chance. They weren't accepting me, but they weren't rejecting me either. I had a chance.

"Mr. Adler?" she said impatiently.

"I'm sorry, I'm still here. I will await the email," I replied.

"Looking forward to seeing you. Have a good day," she said.

"Thank you. You too," I said and the call went dead shortly.

I stood in the room clutching my phone in my hand. Things were finally happening. I had a mind to run out of the room and share the news with Nasir. I knew he would be happy. I dismissed the idea when I realized I was still naked. I'd run to Nasir, just not at that moment.


"Last question, do you have any experience taking care of a crazy, spontaneous man with psychopathic tendencies?"

The woman just stared at me. I could see her eyes grow into large saucers before me. I'd asked her questions she hadn't expected before but I could tell this one took the cake. She didn't know what to say.

Nina was her name. She was in her mid-thirties with stocky build that made her look shorter than she was. Her hair was dirty blond. She had honest eyes with rich brown irises. For most of the interview she'd been cheery, recounting her experiences. She seemingly didn't like talking about herself, but her experiences were rich and entertaining. She was a qualified nurse with experience in hospice care.

We were sitting in Ross's office. She sat on the chair on the other side of the desk, facing me. Throughout the morning the day before and that day I'd held interviews for someone to replace me. The job description specifically wanted someone with experience taking care of terminally- ill patients with additional experience as a household helper. Needless to say that combination was rare. Nina had both.

"," she said slowly after I stared at her back with a blank expression.

"Would you be okay with that?" I asked.

She bit her lip with a thoughtful expression. "I'm willing to try anything at least once."

I chuckled. I saw her take a quick deep breath.

"Hopefully you don't have to worry about that," I said.

She smiled slightly.

"I know I said that was the last question, but I have another question. Have you ever injured your employer in any way?"

"No," she was quick to reply.

"Embarrassed them?"


I narrowed my eyes. "Really?"

"I have never hurt nor embarrassed my employer in any way," she said clearly.

"Too perfect," a new voice entered the scene. I looked up to see that the door was open. Nina looked behind her. Ross had just walked in.

"This is Nina," I said pointing to the woman. "Nina, meet Mr. Mitchell."

"Nice to meet you sir," the woman said.

Ross acknowledged her with a nod. "So you've really never embarrassed your employer?" he asked.

Nina looked down abruptly and then looked up at me. "There was this other time I uh...I was taking laxatives for some...discomfort and I accidentally gave the pill to my employer for a headache. It was one of those times where the kids were unruly and I was stressed and...uh, my boss had some really embarrassing bowel movements at work," she said. "Uh, but I'm not that careless. I..."

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