She gave her an award smile before shrugging her shoulders. "I'm kinda going with Jack on this one, sorry."

"Unbelievable!" She let her arms fall down at her sides in disgust. "So even though I just said there is nothing going on between us you all still think there is?"

"I don't," Ianto was quick to answer. "He's definitely gay."

She rolled her eyes as she made her way to the door. "All of you are ridiculous."

"You still love us, Sally" Jack called out making her turn to him long enough for her not to notice Damien in the door, walking right into him.

He grabbed her around her shoulders to stop her from falling. "Hello, you," he said with a warm grin as she stared blankly at him. He turned her around and started to lead her back into the hub. "Jack somehow got my number." He leaned in so only she could hear him. "You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you?" They made it back into range of the other two before Sally could answer. "So you needed to speak to me about something, Jack. Well, I'm here. What could I do to help?"

"Yeah, I wanted you to see something." He grinned as he saw Damien's hands still placed firmly around Sally's shoulders, mistaking the gesture as something other than a threat. "But before we do that, you can answer a question we all have."

"Absolutely, what could I help you with?" He had his overdramatic smile on that Sally only assumed was his attempt to make people feel more comfortable, despite feeling like it had opposite effect on her.

"You and Sally. What's going on between you two?" Jack asked calmly

Damien's grin faltered as he eyed Sally before looking back to Jack. "Sorry, I don't follow. What do you mean, exactly?"

Jack grinned at the two of them before Sally turned to face him. "They think we are having sex."

He quickly removed his hands from her.
"Why would you tell them that?" he asked with a revolted look on his face.

"I didn't!" she tried to defend herself.

"Oh, come on. We're all friends. You can tell us," Gwen said, quite amused by it all.

"Well, to answer your question and to move on past all of this, no." They found him less than amused by all of this. "Now, if you would like my help with something a little more important, I will be more than happy to help. If not, I have far more important things that I can be working on."

The smile on Gwen and Jack faded. Jack started for his office, waving for Damien to follow.

"I told you," Sally said quietly as she passed Gwen and Ianto on her way to her desk.

Ianto stared blankly at his desk for a moment. "Yeah, definitely gay."


A half hour later, both Jack and Damien came from his office as everyone turned back to their desks, pretending to work.

"You're absolutely right, Jack. We will have to look into this" Damien said, his attention on some papers in his hands. "If you're right, then we will have to find out what is causing this and deal with it right away. Who knows how far this problem reaches." He started to walk for the door past Sally's desk. "Sally, get your things. I'm going to need your help with this." He didn't look at her as he spoke. He also didn't notice the looks everyone else was giving him. "I'll look into some of these today. If Sally and I both go out, we should be able to get through half of these today." Sally began to gather her stuff and followed him.

"Yeah, I don't mind." Jack began. "Thanks for asking before you take my employees."

He turned for a brief moment. "You have given me a large task. I could do it myself, but it will take me a few days, and who knows if there will be more in the meantime." He held the papers above his own head. "One if these encounters was just a few hours ago. But if you insist..."

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