Chapter 3

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She woke up, but it wasn't the same room she had fallen asleep in. It was much nicer. The walls were white with a soft blue trim. The sheet and blankets were much softer and fluffier than the ones of the hotel. They shared the colour with the walls, white with lighting blue flowers that we're almost not noticeable unless you really looked hard. The air in this room was much more pleasant than in the hotel room. She was submerged within the blankets, so comfortable she almost didn't want to get up.

But she did, the corridor that awaited her outside her room was much different. Silver walls with many doors on both sides that went on what seemed like forever. Not really putting too much thought into it she begins to walk ignoring all the doors until she got to one that was 13 doors down and to the left from her room.

As she opened the door it opened to a large console room. A bold man had his back to her as she entered. As she closed the door he swung around. "Hello, you!" He said with a large grin on his face. "I take it you slept well? Everything up to code. I don't have many guests so I'm not sure what the standards are for you humans." there was something very inhuman about his smile as he spoke to her. As if he was doing his best to play a part.

"It was fine," She said more interested in the room in which she was now standing. She tried to remember what had happened the night before. Aug, why couldn't she remember. This was clearly some spacecraft, but she couldn't remember what the outside looked like. Wait she thought. She remembers going in somewhere with him. It was, not that doesn't make sense she told herself. They had gone into what looked like a grandfather clock. That must have been a dream. She pushed the thought out of her head as she tried to think about them boarding this ship. Why couldn't she remember?

She only stopped trying to think about these things when she caught him staring at her. "Are you all right?" he asked, a trace amount of concert on his face. Before his alien smile re-emerged. "Go ahead, say it" He strained at her.

"Say what," She asked, not understanding anything that was going on.

He leaned in a little and lowered his voice. "That it is bigger on the inside." He strung himself out looking very pleased with himself.

Her eyes widened. "So we really didn't get in here from the grandfather clock. Was it some sort of teleporter to this ship?"

His grin widened. "Not exactly" He began "you see, this is what we Time Lords call a TARDIS. And the outside discusses itself as anything I want. And—"

She interrupted "So it could be something other than a grandfather clock?"

His smile faded, everything about his face turned cold. "DO NOT ever interrupt me again. If there is one thing I will not stand for that is being interrupted. And if you're going to be travelling with me you must learn the rules, because if not I will be more than happy to desert you on whatever chunk of rock is the closes at the time. And I don't need to say in all of the time in space that increases your chances of that particular place may very well be uninhabitable" He said this in a calm manner, never raising his voice but harsh nonetheless. Sally got the distinct impression he was not someone you want to be cross with you. She would also learn that wasn't the only thing he wouldn't stand for. But at that moment she thought it best to quickly apologized, almost as if flipping a switch his grin was back on his face.

"But to answer your question yes, it could be a grandfather clock, a pillar, a palm tree, and a statue, and an iron maiden. Almost anything you can think of. Probably even more than what you are capable of thinking of with that puny little mind of yours." he began to turn around when Sally spoke up.

"This is incredible, what else can it do?" as she asked he smiled at her. "well I don't know if it would interest you or not, but this is also a time machine. Anywhere in all of space and time" This peaked her interest as her eyes lit up. "I can go anywhere and when I want. It's really quite nice. To be truly free to do whatever you want. I personally couldn't think of any other way to live your life."

Sally had been so over-excited by this she found herself almost skipping over to where he was standing. "Can you teach me" She blurted out without even thinking.

The man laughed at her. "Teach you to drive the TARDIS? Ohh, I think not. This isn't just some." He seemed to be thinking for a moment "some car you can just learn how to drive in a day, it takes years, and precise percussion and it takes a time Lord's brain. Oh No my dear, no matter how hard you try I don't think you will be able to just learn how to drive my TARDIS. Besides, this is my most praised position, this is my home. I'm not just going to let anyone's grubby fingers all over it. No office."

He could see the disappointment on her face. "I will, however, will be happy to show you around. Where would you like to go? Remember, we will have to keep the distension in the very stick parameters of any were in all of time and space. That's not a problem, is it?"

She thought for a moment, then finally answered. "The end"

"The end? " He repeated.

"Yes, I want to see how it looks ends" She tried her best to sound confident in her choice. The inhuman grin crept across his face again as he pulled some levers and taped some buttons. Sally did her best to watch him but not make it to obvious that she was doing it.

"Well then, Dr Sally Armstrong. To the end of it all" he pulled another lever and a moment later the spacecraft was clearly no longer stationery as the TARDIS made its way to the end of the universe.

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