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Hi, Im Mycah Alonzo.

Mycah Alonzo of HUS 12-4, They know me being their happy pill, their clown, source of happiness. They say that I have a genuine and a brightest smile, but they didn't know that behind those smile, the laughs and everything that has an aura of positivity is all fake.

In everyday of my life, I keep on hiding, shutting other people to see the real me. The one that is weak, full of dark aura in her heart, the one who keeps on  fighting over and over in the demons inside of her head.

Sssh! Do you hear that? Do you?
They keep on shouting at me, they keep on telling me that —
"You are worthless, ugly"
"You cannot reach your dream, duh"
"You are idiot" and others words that they keep on throwing in me because of me being me.

I grew up being a Child Labor.
Yes, you heard it right. Child Labor.

Im working for my grades to be passed
Im working for my mothers love
Im working for someone's who afraid to lost me
Im working for someone's who can accept me in everything even my weaknesses and darkest secrets

I keep on shouting and shouting but it seems, no one is giving any single damn.

"Someday, I want to be a Lawyer"
I silently claiming that someday I will be a lawyer even tho being a lawyer is not easy but if you have a passion and determination you will be. A lawyer that is not only for rich people, but also willing to help for those who doesn't have money at all. A lawyer that can be a protector for those who being accused by the people who are rich and have a power, A lawyer that willing to be a voice for those people who wants justice, A Lawyer that has a passion and determination to help the voiceless people, a lawyer that is not afraid to tell the truth, A lawyer that is not covered by bandana.

All i can do is to don't give up easily, a pack of patience and determination and also a passion and willingness to do this, and also an acceptance for those trials and errors i will encounter in my life, and also a smile to face a new tomorrow in my life.

I can't see myself a lawyer 5 years from now cause i can see myself a Judge inside of the supreme court but not a judge with a black bandana covered in my eyes and holding a weight scale and sword but a lawyer who doesn't have any covered in my eyes while holding a weight scale and a sword, Because Justice is not covered by sin nor a money.

But as usual, people will judge you based on their judgements.

Sometimes Im asking myself, what is my purpose in this world?
Every time I look at the mirror, I can see the worthless, idiot, unlovable and such — and thats me Mycah.

The mycah you know, is strong?
But the real mycah is weak.

Maybe this is too much for me, begging for someone's attention and love especially to my mom and dad.

Im mycah, fighting for my life
Im mycah, comes to a not so abusive relationship
Im mycah, begging for my mother's love

This is mycah of HUS12Y1 hus-4

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2018 ⏰

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