

I woke up with the sound of my alarm, ringing in my ears. I got up and do my routine everyday when I'm going to school.

I grabbed my bag with my keys and my phone and got out of the house as I greeted my parents goodbye, I went to my new motorcycle and started the engine to go to school.

I entered the school as the entrance remained open and parked my motorcycle. I put my things in my locker and head to Mr. Cooper's class.

I arrived in the classroom I looked around to see Thomas, sitting on his desk and fiddling with his fingers as he waits for someone. As soon as I walked to my desk, he looked up and smiled at me.

I returned the smile, "Hi Tommy." I greeted "Hi love." He greeted back. As I sit down, Mr. Cooper arrived and said, "Alright class, I want you to get your math textbooks and answer page 250. Do all the activities you get this day, and the next days will be your free days." We immediately did this activity and finish it. We submitted it to Mr. Cooper and he let us leave the classroom, so we can do whatever we want until it's time for the next subjects.

"Do you want to go to the library?" Thomas asked. I smiled and nodded. "Race you to it!" I exclaimed as I run to to the library. I looked back to see him hot on my heels. I turn back around and run faster, but there's no use. He put his arms around my waist and lifted me off the ground, making me squeal.

He then put me down and he started to run again. I run after him until we arrived with heavy breaths.

We entered the room full of books and picked some books that are interesting to read.

We sit down on the chair and begin to let the words flow in our minds.

~time skip~

All 5 of us got out and have a picnic in the park just for us to have fun while I'm here. While we're at it, we begin to talk about good and bad memories.

"Oh look! Asian creep is here!" Until Lavender showed up along with her gang. "Glad she's leaving!" She said as she put up a sly smile. "Thanks for stating the obvious." Thomas muttered. "What's that Tomtom? You want to come back to me?" Lavender said as I rolled my eyes at her. "I never said that. Now go away. Just piss and seek attention on someone else instead of luring over us." Thomas hissed. She didn't leave though, instead, she just threw and kicked all of our things away from us.

I couldn't handle anymore, I stand up and have a face to face with her, then smacked her cheek with my fist causing her to yelp in pain. "I've been wanting to do that for a long time, now there's more where that came from. Now if you get anywhere near us and just bug them for life, I am not going to have second thoughts on doing anything worse. I don't want to hurt you, but this has been the last strike." I threatened, she glared at me and paced away from us while holding her bruised cheek. I turn around to see them staring in awe. "What?" I asked, "you just punched the shuckiest shuckfaced shuck there ever was." Hally said. I let out a laugh and continued on what we are doing.

~6 days later~

The past 6 days were always like that but in different places. Lavender stopped bothering us anymore.

It was 4:00 in the morning when I checked the time, the plane will be leaving 5:30. I sighed in sadness and looked around the empty room that used to be filled with my furniture, books and posters of my idols. Tears are threatening to come out again but I blinked it out.

I grabbed my luggage got out of the house with my friends and my parents.

My dad started the engine of the car and started to get it out of the garage. While he's at it I faced my friends and said, "Well, this is it, I'm leaving," I said as I put up a sad smile. They stayed silent with devastation on their faces as they look at me.

I hugged them one by one and into a group hug. We pulled away with tears running down on our cheeks and sounds of sniffling "We're gonna miss you!" Hally said, they nodded in agreement, I hugged them again and this time tighter. Mum tapped my shoulder and said, "Mauuna na kami sa airport." (Translation: We'll be going to the airport now.) I nodded and they both took off. "We'll be going now, Y/N, take care." Dylan  said, I nodded in response and hugged him and the two other girls again. "I'll miss you" I whispered to them. They pulled away and waved me goodbye. I waved back and walked on their own ways. Now I'm alone with Thomas.

Silence filled the room. "Y'know I'm gonna miss you, right love?"
He suddenly asked. I looked into his eyes and nodded a yes for an answer. "Come on, let's go to the airport." I said. He led me to his motorcycle since mine was already in the plane, ready to be imported. He handed me the spare helmet and I put it on. I sit on the back and wrapped my arms around his torso as he started the engine and drive me to the airport.


We arrived at the airport and I see my mum and dad waiting for me. I gestured them to go first to say goodbye to Thomas. "Guess this is goodbye." I said as I put my hand on my pockets while looking down. "You know it isn't." He said, as he lifted my chin up with his two fingers to look at him. "We will see each other soon, alright?" He added. I hugged him tightly and a little longer in response. I felt a kiss on the top of my head. I pulled away from him and give him one last kiss on the cheek.

I waved goodbye to him as he waved back. I turn around and walk away to my parents who are waiting for me in the lounge. "Flight to NAPA, California will be delayed for 15 minutes from technical difficulties, sorry for the inconvenience." The receptionist announced. Most of the people groaned while I'm just sitting on the lounge, waiting for the flight.

~time skip~

All of the people are already boarding to the plane that will be flying to NAPA and sit on their assigned seats. Mine was beside the window, which is good so I can view over the clouds and Think about my old life in London as the plane is off of the ground.

I put on my earphones and listen to 'Come together' by The Beatles as it soon begin to fly across the world for 11 hours.

~time skip~

We called for taxi to drive us to our Grandfather's house. My dad sit at the passenger seat at the front while me and my mum are at the back.

The whole time, I was just gazing by the window, not even talking, just devastation. A tear rolled down on my cheek but I soon wiped it off with my finger.

We arrived at my Grandfather's and my dad unlocked the door with his spare key. He opened the door and called grandpa out. He didn't respond so we roam around the house.

I arrived at his study room and I see him, reading a newspaper, blocking his face, or so I thought it was him.

"Y/N, we found him in his room!" My mum said as she approached me. I looked at her with a puzzled face, "If he is in his room... then who is that?" I asked pointing to the stranger who I thought It was my Grandfather. "Well you have to look to find out who it is." My grandfather suddenly said while standing on the staircase with a grin on his face.

As if on cue, the stranger put down the newspaper to reveal it's face...


Word count: 2001 words

A/N: Sorry for making you wait!

Question: Who do you think it is?

Thanks for reading!


In love with an Introvert (Thomas Brodie- Sangster x Reader) »COMPLETED«Where stories live. Discover now