Chapter 16

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Lavender POV

I was sleeping peacefully on the mattress, until I can feel pecks on my chest. I thought it was Tomtom, "Mmmm.. That feels nice.." I said all groggy and half asleep. That's when I hear a chirp, I open my eyes to see a little bird, sitting on me. My eyes widen and I started to shriek. I shooed the bird away until it flies out.

I sat up on the mattress and looked around my surroundings, I begin to panic as I realized I was in the middle of the lake. I screamed, "Tomtom!!!!!!!!!!!"

Thomas POV

I jolted awake when I hear Lavender, screaming my name as it echoes. I looked around to see her in the middle of the lake, standing up on her mattress, squealing, but then she fails and fall off the lake "Bloody hell.." is all I can say quietly in frustration.

~time skip~

She swam back to us with fury in her eyes, she kicked the plate that we put our s'mores in last night. I walked up to her, "what's going on?" I asked. "Here's what's going on buddy! The first day we got here has been pretty horrid because of these twats!" She said as she pointed at Y/N and the others, Y/N and Hally were dumbfounded, but I can see Dylan and Y/BFF/N, trying to hold their laughs in the corner of my eye. I internally smiled because of them. "Get the picture? It's me, or them, take your pick." She said, with a devilish smile while making me choose, "Them," I answered "w-what?" Her smile then turns into a frown. "T-H-E-M, 'them'," I spelled out the word to her, I leaned down to her level, and added a question with a smile on my face, "get the picture?" She answered me with a scream and grunt.

She then walked away, leaving all 5 of us, an awkward silence fill the place. "Look, we're sorry if we ruined you relationship with her, we were just fed up with her harassing Y/N all the time." Dylan apologized, with a sad look on his face. Y/N stayed silent the whole time. "I'm very upset on what you did, guys," I exclaimed. Both of them looked at their lap, feeling guilty. "but I have to thank you somehow." I added, having a smile curling up on my face. They looked up at me, confused. "Why?" They asked, "because I've been wanting to do that for so long, I just can't find the right time." I answered, giving me a smile of relief.

~time skip to the last day~


Thomas and I are started packing, I placed my used clothes and other essentials in my duffle bag, until I felt Thomas tap on my shoulder.

I turned around to see Thomas in front of me, handing back my small notebook, "I believe this belongs to you, again, I'm sorry for everything that I've done to you." He said, giving back my notebook. I gently grabbed it from him and looked into his beautiful brown orbs... wait, what?

I don't know why, but my body took charge of me and I suddenly hugged Thomas. Surprisingly, he hugged back. "Thank you." I whispered into his ear. "No problem, love"


We stayed like that for a few minutes until we hear the ignition of the bus. We pulled away with smiles on our faces. "Mind if I sit with you on the bus?" He said, smile turning into a smirk. I chuckled, "Not at all" I replied. We walk out the cabin, Marva jr. handed our phones back and head to the bus.
As we entered, I led the way to where I wanna sit as Thomas follows me. As always, I sit by the window, with my ear buds and everything, except Thomas is there. Which made it better. "Do you want to listen too?" I asked handing out the other bud to him, he nodded and took the other one for an answer and began to play 'I wanna hold your hand' by The Beatles. "You like The Beatles too?" Thomas suddenly asked I turned my gaze to him from the window and answered, "love it!" We both smiled and I returned my gaze back to the window.

The bus engine started and drove away. I was beginning to get tired a few minutes ago from viewing the window as the bus moves. So a leaned my head on the glass window and closed my eyes as I fall asleep.

~time skip~

The next thing I know, we were both asleep, leaning on each other's heads.


I was looking around the bus until I saw Y/N and Thomas who were sitting behind us, sleeping, laying on each other's heads. I nudged Dylan and made him look at them, we both cheekily smiled and took a picture of them, because it's too cute. I've been shipping them for months.

As I look at the picture, while grinning, I noticed Lavender at the background, glaring at them. I showed Dylan the picture and just laughed at her. I cropped her out of the picture, I know it's rude, but it's disturbing the moment. I sighed in content, but I was wishing they could be more than just friends.

You may think I can't see how Y/N looks at him. But it's pretty obvious that she loves him, she's just being denial.


A/N: Hi!! Thank you so much for a 100+ reads!! Also, thank you for voting!

But I can't update tomorrow, I have a lot of school things to do and I have to practice for a competition for Wednesday. Again, I'm sorry

In love with an Introvert (Thomas Brodie- Sangster x Reader) »COMPLETED«Where stories live. Discover now