Chapter 23

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I froze in place as I hear the news, realizing I have to leave my life I have in this country. "When are we moving?" I asked as my tone is shaky. "7 days after your prom," my dad answered, tears started to well up in my eyes, I took a deep breath, stopping myself from breaking down. "Oh Y/N, we're-" I ran into my room before they could finish. I slide down my door as I slammed it shut, I then started to sob and begin bawling my eyes all night long until I fall asleep.



I woke up with the sound of my alarm. I turned my alarm off and stared at the ceiling, not getting up. It's my birthday and I'm devastated. I feel depressed from the events from yesterday, thinking of what happens if I don't tell them that I'm moving to California. Will they be angry? What happens if I told them? Will they let me go? What about Thomas? Will I ever admit the feelings I have for him?

I then decided to have fun today and try to neglect them so I could get used to it when I moved. I get up and did my routine.

I brushed my teeth and grabbed my bag with my phone. I go downstairs and greeted my parents goodbye as I closed the door and head to school.

I took a deep breath before I enter school and greeted my friends with a smile. "Hi guys!" I said as I approach my locker. "Hey" they all said in unison.

The bell soon rang and we all went to class. 

~time skip~

I have been spending the rest of my time enjoying with them, though they don't seem to remember the event of this day. But I don't mind at all, as long as I enjoy it being with them.

The bell rang, meaning classes are over. I packed my stuff and put my bag on my shoulder. Y/BFF/N suddenly walked towards me. "Hey Y/N, can we get ice cream?" She asked. I just nodded in response, she then smiled and we walked together to the ice cream parlor near by and ordered our ice cream.


Before I hung out with Y/N, I signaled Thomas, Hally, and Dylan to go and get things ready in her house. They nodded in response as I head to the ice cream shop with Y/N.

We begin to talk about school, life, and other random things until we finished up our ice cream. "C'mon let's go home." Y/N said, I muttered an 'ok' and head to her house.

Thomas POV

We arrived at the Y/L/N residence and pressed the doorbell. The door soon was opened by Mr. Y/L/N. His lips curled up into a smile and let us in. "All right, you can set the food on the center table in the living room so you can watch a movie while eating, the DVDs are in the shelves under the TV if you are wondering, we will prepare tuna pasta with white sauce, her favorite." Mrs. Y/L/N said as she walk towards the kitchen.

We then set up all the food and drinks that we have. "Thomas, we forgot to buy the cake." Hally exclaimed. "Oh right, uhh, stay here and help Y/N's parents if they need it, and Dylan and I will buy the cake." I responded. She nodded in understanding as we leave and went to a cake shop we used to go when we were still young. It was only a ten minute walk from her house.

We walked in to the shop and went to the counter. "Uhh, Hello, good afternoon, may I order a mango mousse cheesecake with a candle included?" I asked the guy cashier. "Yes sir, anything else?" He asked. "None at all." I answered. "Okay sir, the cake will be ready in 10 minutes, can you please give us your name?" He requested. "Thomas." I simply responded. "Alright, that would be    £8.50." He stated. We divided the price in two and took out our wallets and put two £4.25 on the counter. The cashier took it and put it in the machine. "The cake will be ready in 10 minutes, you two can sit on those chairs and wait, thank you." The cashier said. We nodded in response and sit on the chairs and wait.

~time skip~

"Mr. Thomas!" The guy in the counter shouts. I walked up to him seeing the box of the cake beside him with the candle taped on the box as Dylan follows. The guy handed me the cake and I said thank you and exited the shop.

We rang the doorbell of Y/N's house and soon opened by Hally. "Guys, hurry up, they'll be here in 5 minutes!" She said. I quickly pulled out the cake out of the box and held it with both of my hands. Put the candle on the cake and lit the candle up and turned off the lights.

Soon, we hear the door creak open.


We soon arrived at my doorstep as I found my keys in my bag. I see Y/BFF/N smiling in the corner of my eye. I was confused but shrugged it off. I unlocked the door and opened it to see that the lights are off. I looked around and see a faint of an orange light.

I suddenly hear gentle voices singing a happy birthday song. "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you..." they walked towards me and I realized it was my parents and my friends. A tear slipped out of my eye from happiness. Thomas stopped in front of me with the cake. "Make a wish, Y/N" he said as he smiled at me. A genuine smile crossed my face and made a wish. I soon blew out the candle and Y/BFF/N switched on the light as they clapped and cheered in joy.

"Okay! C'mon! Let's eat!" My dad said, I chuckled and gestured my friends to follow us to the dining room. I let them sit on the chairs as my mum served a big plate of tuna pasta with white sauce. My favorite. "Thanks mum." I said to my mum and pecked her cheek. My mum and dad sat down beside me and we all begin to eat.

"That was so good! Mrs. Y/L/N!" Dylan said. They all agree and my mum smiled and said, "glad you liked it! Okay, we're gonna be cleaning now and go to bed after, don't make too much noise okay?" "Okay mum!"

~time skip~

Mum and dad are asleep now while all five of us watch movies, like 'home alone' parts 1-4, 'the parent trap', etc. We ate the remaining snacks on the table and stopped watching movies and talk about mindless things. "So, Y/N, what was your wish a while ago?" Hally asked. "Oh, uhh it's just a silly wish, you don't need to know it." I said as I begin to have rosy cheeks. "Come on, just say it" Y/BFF/N whined. I sighed and said, "fine, I wished that.. Tommy wouldn't understand these words when I say this to him now: Mahal kita." (Translation: I love you) "What the bloody hell does that mean?" Dylan asked. "I-its nothing, just words in m-my language.. that's all." I said, stammering. They let it drop and continued starting new conversations about Harry Potter and stuff.


It was already 8:50 pm. They helped me clean up and get the trash out. I accompany them out of the house, "We better go, bye, happy birthday again." Dylan said as they give me a hug. I hugged back tightly and a bit long, knowing the fact that I will be neglecting them tomorrow to get used of being without them. I pulled away and the three of them, him, Y/BFF/N and Hally, get in Dylan's car and drove away. "Uhh, Tommy, aren't you going home?" I asked Thomas. "Oh, yeah, umm bye love, happy birthday." Thomas said as he spread his arms to hug me tightly. Of course, I hugged back and bit tighter than before, I didn't realized a tear slipped out of my eye. I can feel Thomas kiss the top of my head and pulled away. I wiped the tear that slipped out of my eye before he sees it. "Bye," I said as I smiled weakly, he returned the smile and walked away heading to his house. "Mahal kita." I whispered to him as he was a bit far from me. I didn't think he heard me so I was relieved and walked back to my house.

Thomas POV

I started to turn around and head to my house, but I heard Y/N saying "Mahal kita." I stopped walking and turned around to see her, but she has entered her house. She thinks I didn't understand her language, but I have been learning her language just for her. I wanted to say it back to her, but I was looking for the right time. Maybe tomorrow is the right time.

Mahal din kita, Y/N..

(Translation: I love you too, Y/N)

Hi!! I'm sorry if I haven't updated a few days ago✌. I didn't have time because of school.

What do you think of this chapter?

You don't have to answer that ridiculous question if you don't want to. I'm just curious of what are the people's opinion.

Thanks for reading!

In love with an Introvert (Thomas Brodie- Sangster x Reader) »COMPLETED«Where stories live. Discover now