demented hulk

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" it was some demented hulk! "

       VALENTINA PAULMAN sighed in utter exhaustion and annoyance as she flipped through the heaps of envelopes that had been left stacked on the counter for her to wake up to

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VALENTINA PAULMAN sighed in utter exhaustion and annoyance as she flipped through the heaps of envelopes that had been left stacked on the counter for her to wake up to. She had distinctly remember asking her best friend and housemate, Saanvi, to go through them before she'd left for work but wasn't surprised to find the task undone.

Tossing the envelopes away, her stuffed unicorn slippers swept against the floor as she slid her feet along the tiles, making her way to the fridge to begin her day with an enjoyable breakfast.

Eggs and spinach leaves drenched with lemon. Oh how Valentina enjoyed the sweet and sour taste of lemon, she practically drenched all her meals with it and often her friends would squint at her with confusion as they were weirded out with the odd act.

And when Valentina was quick to complain about the many ulcers in her mouth, they would always respond with the usual yell for her addiction with the lemon juice. Still, Valentina continued with the addiction and the endurance of the bad mouth ulcers.

The brunette smacked her lips in satisfaction, licking the excess taste of her breakfast off her lips as she placed the plate in the dish holder before dragging herself along to her room, getting dressed for her usual day at the library and her attempted to form an outfit for tomorrow's lunch date with her sister, Rowan Paulman.

The two had been through hell and back. With the divorce of their parents to the  passing of their father from severe burns after jumping into a severe fire incident to save victims as apart of his jobs to living with their grandparents together after their mother's disappearance with her new husband.

Now Valentina lived with her best friend and had agreed with Ro to visit once or twice a week for lunch, breakfast or dinner. Both sisters were close as ever, sharing secrets to fangirling about John Stamos, specifically his role as Uncle Jesse in Full House.

Valentina tucked a strand of her umber hair behind her ear, tugging at her handbag that hung onto her shoulder. She was well known around the apartment building for her clumsiness and her stubbornness too, especially the countless fights with the old lady who lived just downstairs, always complaining about the noise the girls made.

Her hands fiddled with the key as she locked the door before tucking it away in the lantern that was placed just in the left bottom corner of the door. With that, she fled the building and headed off to the local library for another day of books and the hope of receiving inspiration.

See, Valentina Paulman was a successful writer in her college years, publishing interesting books on her own little made up world of fantasy and the characters within it. Young adult fiction was a smart idea and she enjoyed sharing her ideas and fantasies.

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