An Angel's Life- Chapter Three

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It’s been six months since that day when I was told that my godmother was killed and my best friend kidnapped. I was taken to the training centre in Water-Lyn. Theo and my mentor was Arthur a hundred thirty-five year old man who has fought in every war in the last hundred years. He been really nice and has helped me learn all the different martial arts to swordfight and strategies. Theo though he is still as annoying and he was before and we don't talk much unless it me teasing him for getting his butt kicked by a girl.

We are leaving tomorrow morning at dawn to make our own the north and get Lily back and take out their leader, apparently that will solve all our problems.

“Sophia, are you going make your move or are you going to give up?” Theo asked. We had been playing chess because Arthur said it was good for strategies and stuff.

I looked down at the bored, slightly confused.

“Theo, why has my queen and your horse been swapped?” He gave me an innocent look and gave me a gesture saying he didn't do it. We all know it was you Theo, just give up. What he didn't know though is my bishop is in check with his king.

“I win,” I stated simply picking my bag up and walking away. “Call me when you can acutely come close to win,” I said over my shoulder walking out the door only to bump into Arthur. 

“Good evening Sophia; let me guess, another easy win against Theo,” He said in a cheerful voice.

“Yes, I wish he’d acutely try to win for once.”

He chuckled quietly to himself and gestured for me to come into his office.

“I have something for you Sophia.” He handed me a little black velvet box and a large leather case.

“It’s your mother’s necklace and your father’s sword. They left them with me hoping that one day you would receive them.”

I stared at them tears forming in my eyes. “Thank you so much Arthur,” I crocked out my throat deciding to give out.

“It’s alright Sophia. Theo.” Shortly after Theo came into the room and gave one look at me a confused look on his face.

“Yes Arthur,” he answered.

“I just wanted to say that Sophia and you are one of my best students and hope that you complete you task and find your friend and complete your parents quest Sophia.”

We nodded our heads not really wanting to speak.

“Now off to bed you two you have a long day tomorrow.” We walked out of his office and into our living quarters.

“Good night Sophia, sweet dreams,” Theo muttered before walking into his room.

“Good night Theo,” I answered back knowing all to well that he didn’t hear me.

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