An Angel's Life- Chapter Two

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I could hear voices in the background, asking me to wake up. My eyes were so tired; all I wanted to do was sleep. I could feel someone breathing on my face; all of a sudden I jumped up off the bed hitting my head again. What is it with hitting my head, seriously?

I was covered in water and of course standing not far from me was my beloved idiot Theo. He had a cocky face and a smirk on his lips. I looked around the room and there were two other men. They both looked around the age of forty. They had pity and sadness all over their faces.

Then it hit me. My godmother was dead, the only person I had left who really was anything like family to me.

“Sophia, are you alright?” One of the men asked.

Why in the world would I be alright? A strange man has kidnapped me, I’ve hit my head twice and my godmother is dead! 

“SOPHIA!” Theo said. I was about to answer but I was slapped across the face.

“WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?” I yelled extremely pissed off. “ What gives you the right to slap me?”

“I’m sorry I though you were in shock,” He replied with a smirk on his face.

“Well I not. I would like to go home,” I was about to get up but I was held down.

The guy who looked a lot like Theo stepped forward with a frown on his face.

“Sophia do you remember me?” He asked. Um… no. Why do I need to?

“Um… No. Should I remember you?”

“I’m Theo’s Father and the elder of this village, I have brought you here to inform you that your godmother was killed last night when we were attack, along with your best friend Lily being capture.”

“LILY IS GONE TOO?”  No it can't be. “Who did this?”

“Sophia, do you remember the Angel Story your godmother used to read to you?”

“Yeah. It was about ten angels who came to earth to restore it for the gods. Why is that important though?”

“Two of the angels were your parents,” he simply stated                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

“Why wasn’t I told this?”

“First you were very young and second the men would of come after you,” Theo rudely interrupted.

“I wasn’t asking you,” I said and sticking my tongue out at him.

“So mature,” he scoffed

“Anyways, back to my starting question; why are they coming after me?”

“Well it seems that they found out about you through someone, no one has ever told them about you, nor did anyone really know about you. Sophia you need to fulfil your parents quest.”

“Okay, so what am I meant to do?”

“Tomorrow you and my son Theo are going to Water-Lyn a city not far from her to train. The mentor there is a good friend of mine.”

“NO! Definitely not, if I was going on my own than maybe, but not with him!” I yelled point my finger at Theo.

“Why not?” Theo asked.

“Because you’re immature, mean and cause me to hit my head TWICE!” I have a lump the size of a baseball!

“Good, because I don't want to go with you either!” He yelled back and walked out the room slamming the door behind him.

“Sophia you need to go, and with Theo as well okay,” the elder said sternly. I put on my best puppy dog eyes and everything to get out of going with Theo. I could nearly see him start to cringe, but he soon realised and put his stern face back on. Damn, so close!

“Fine,” I finally gave up.

“Good so let pack your bag Theo is all ready packed and is waiting, come on.” Wait Theo is already packed? They tricked me! Now I see why godmother told me that men are tricky people.

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