Rin stopped and stared at Shira with sparkling eyes. It was the first time someone near her age gave her advice to help her pursue her medical career. At first, Rin thought Shira doesn't understand all the things she was blabbering about.

And then, Rin noticed how despite not looking at her, she actually listened to every word! Shira would comment whenever she said something wrong and would correct her. "Uzumaki-san!"

Shira hummed in acknowledgement. "Um, can we... be friends?"

"We're already friends the moment you introduced yourself, Nohara-san."

Rin gave her a wide eyed look, surprised by her words. "Then, can I call you Shira-chan?"

"I don't see why not, Rin-chan."

Nohara Rin found Uzumaki Shira very interesting and she was glad they were friends.

The class were ordered to complete ten laps around the yard before moving to sparring. Much to Rin's surprise, Shira remained at the back of the group, keeping a distance of at least one and a half meter between them.

She wondered why but didn't ask. If she doesn't tell her, then what can Rin do? Yukimori gathered his students around the circle. "I want to evaluate Uzumaki-chan's abilities. Uzumaki-chan, please enter the circle." Everyone heard her mumble something about this being so 'troublesome'.

Shira lazily stood inside the circle, waiting for her opponent to be picked. "I need two volunteers to spar with her." Amongst the students, a certain Uchiha jumped up and down. "Me! Me! I volunteer, sensei!" Uchiha Obito entered the circle as they bowed to begin the spar.

Obito quickly charged ahead without thinking. He was confident that he could beat the new kid since she just started today and she doesn't look like she had training since her skin looks so flawless. He inwardly grinned, he was sure Rin will notice him!

What he didn't expect however, was for his opponent to jump over him and sit on his back. The sudden force made him lose balance as he slammed face first onto the dirt ground. He groaned. No way! This girl is like another Kakashi!

She's going to insult him for sure! "You should probably think before you charge, Uchiha." See, she was insulting hi— what did she say? Obito looked up at her with difficulty. She wasn't sneering, she wasn't mocking him or taunting him.

"You're too impulsive, making it easy for me to devise a plan to counter your attack." What? Impulsive? Devise? Please talk human, Obito pleaded in his head. His opponent must have realized he didn't understand and the two of them were too distracted to notice that everyone was listening to her.

"Well, you attack without thinking is what I mean. Then, that makes it easier for me to defeat you, understand?" She stood up and held out her hand to him. Obito took it with hesitance. She helped him up, surprising the Uchiha.

"You should learn how to attack with a careful thought or else, all attacks that you do will be countered." Shira shook his hand with a bored expression and yet, Obito can see the sincerity in her eyes. 

"Um, could we... er, be friends?" Obito asked with uncertainty lacing his voice. Shira shrugged her shoulders. "Mah, be my guest but know I'm usually sleeping." The Uchiha grinned. "That's alright, Shira-chan!"

Obito left the circle with a skip in his step. He actually made a friend without having to annoy them! A friend that didn't insult or laughed at him upon seeing him. A friend that didn't see him as a failure. Instead, she gave him advice how to improve.

This just made his day. He was glad he volunteered to spar with her!

Meanwhile, Kakashi scoffed. Why would that transferee help a loser like Obito? It was obvious he will never achieve anything. "No more volunteers? *sigh* Hatake-kun, do you mind sparring with Uzumaki-chan?" Kakashi shook his head.

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