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Side note:
I originally wrote this in October 2018 and wasn't going to publish this. 8 months later and a very good friend persuades me to publish it, but it's still a work in progress and not complete so bare with me... Enjoy:)

Clarke POV

I sat in the woods surrounding the camp, processing what had just happened. 

"A unity, it is the only way for peace between our people." Anya stated, emotionless. I looked at her, "No peace treaty? no... alliance?" I dreaded the answer that I already new. Anya shook her head, "After everything, that would not be possible. Jus drein jus daun." 

"Blood must have Blood," i translated. A unity, marriage is what i would have called it. It seemed so unfair. The grounders had attacked us first when they had thrown the spear into Jasper, almost killing him. They'd come to attack us, forcing us to blow up the bridge .  The only 'act of war' we had committed was when we accidentally blew up their villages, which we were sincerely sorry about. 

Anya must have guessed what I was thinking about, "It is our way. The acts of war your people have committed must be paid for in blood. However if you Marry the Commander then war wouldnt happen, your people would be safe." I nodded, I understood I just didn't like it. Anya rose, not waiting for my reply. 

"Clarke kom Skaikru meet here at dawn with your answer, if not then the next time i see you will be on the battlefield." She walked off. 

I walked into camp or as id started to called it, Home. I entered the drop ship where my friends were awaiting my return. I inhaled. This was going to be difficult. 

Unity: A Clexa Fan fiction Where stories live. Discover now