Day Two~ A Suprise

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Beth and I were passed out on the kitchen floor. My dog Abby had started licking our legs and started drooling on em' as she started ' to cuddle with us.

It was pretty early for anyone to be awake like,

six thirty. And when I woke up, I was a mermaid.

"AHHHHHHH!" I was amazed. There was a big and scaly tail on me with white highlights. I was panicking.

"Oh, my, gosh! I have to wake up Beth!" I worried. I started rubbing Beth's mermaid tail so she- hopefully would wake up.


"Where- what happened?" I groaned. I looked down, and saw a lime colored tail with black highlights.


I screamed. "I can explain." Maleah told me. "Then do it." I wanted to prove her wrong. Sadly, she did explain; and it did make sense. "I think. The drink we made was a potion. And I think- I think it made us turn into mermaids." "And I think, you've hit you're head on the countertop. I thought mermaids weren't real." I said. "Well maybe they are real, they're just super rare. Which makes sense because mermaids live in the ocean." Maleah told me. "Eh, true." I said.

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