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here is a one shot i hope guys with a very close (DRAMATIC) girlfriend  (as in you live together) understand.




oh no....THE DEVIL HAS COME! I run to my room and call my best friend brandon "CODE RED CODE RED!"  "waz that man"  "Sabrina is on her period.....PMS MAN SAVE MEH."  "You will have to survive man....Only 5 days."  "DELIVER ICE CREAM ROSES A MEDICAL KIT AND PILLOWS!AND CHOCOLATE! LOTS OF CHOCOLATE! 100000000 TONS OF CHOCOLATE!"  "I GOT UR BACK MAN!REMEMBER ONLY 5 DAYS!"  "WHERES MY ICE CREAM!!!AAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGHHHH I HATE YOU YOU CANT DO THE SIMPLEST THING WHERES MY IIICCCEEE CCCRRREEEAAMMM!!!"  I here stomping and I rush out my room and peek around the corner. I run down the steps after hearing a knock.I open the door and see a mail man. "PUCK WHERES MY ICE CREAM!!!"  "Oh im sorry you have to deal with that this is free of charge.Continue your life soldier."  "THANK YOU!" I take the box's of ice cream chocolate and roses i put the roses in a few dozen vases and i put the ice cream in the fridge.I  get the chocolate and take out one bowl of ice cream.I break the chocolate into the ice cream get a spoon and rush up the stairs.

"WHERES MY ICE KREAM! THERE YOU ARE PUCK GET ME A DONUT!" "I-i thought you wanted ice cream?"  "You actually made it for me?" she starts tearing up. "Puck your the best boyfriend ever." she slinks away into her room.I look for the blue kit.It contains romance movies (to turn that sadness into....lust if ya kno what i mmmeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaannnnnnnn....)  more chocolate and some popcorn. I walk into Sabrina's room. "Movie?"  "Why do we need a distraction?I know what you want come here Puck...Onto the bed with me...Lets..(hic) Fool around a bit...." "Sabrina your drunk."  "(hic) it will only make it funner..." As much as I want to im not going to take advantage of Sabrina.  "Go to bed love."  "(hic) meanie..Alright you (hic) know whats best...." I put her in the covers.Alright....4 more days....

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