A smile crept on my face. "I can confidently say he doesn't have Stockholm syndrome. He genuinely loves you and loves it here."

"You think so?"

"I know so. But you should talk to him, spend time with him. You can do stuff he likes doing and just spend time together."

I could hear the uncertainty in his voice when he said, "I don't know what he likes doing. He's always cooking or cleaning."

I chuckled. "I think taking care of you is his favorite thing in the world. You could always just talk," I said.

He pulled out of the hug. "About what?"

"You'll figure it out," I said with a slight smile.

"He told me you told him to tell me," he said.

"Is that why you fired me?"

"No, no. I was angry with knowing before time but I see the upside of it now. It's not why I fired you though. I fired you because I..." he said and I cut in softly.

"...don't need a PA," I said.

"No. I fired you because I was losing someone I cared about again and I didn't want you to be the next to walk out. I had to get rid of you before I start caring. Nasir dying reminded me that people never stay forever. They walk out eventually and I'm left on my own again," he said.

I closed my eyes briefly. Ross thought I'd walk out. He wasn't wrong. Eventually I'd leave. The problem was he thought that might hurt him. Didn't thinking of it suggest it was already at that point? Our relationship had gotten into a territory it was never supposed to step onto. It wasn't romantic but there were feelings involved now.

I took him by the hand and slowly led him to the bed. After sitting comfortably I pulled both his hands to me.

"I am going to leave. You've already fired me, but I mean...I didn't plan on staying forever. I have my own life. It's not much of a life but I have goals. I want to finish college and graduate. I loved being your PA even though I was horrible. I loved sleeping with you. But I cannot be dependent on you," I told him softly. "That said, I'm giving back your money whether you want it or not. I'll figure something out."

He digested my words in silence. "You still owe that guy, right? How about you pay him using the money like you did last time and I give you your job back? I won't pay you until you've paid your dues," he said.

"You don't need a PA Ross," I reminded him. It was not in my best interest to remind him of that when he was offering me a way out, but my conscience was much stronger than before. When I took the job the first time it was all about the money. I would have done anything for the money. Things had changed. Ross was now a friend.

"...But I need a butler and a chef, and everything else Nasir does. He can't continue working in his condition. Besides, we'll be spending time together."

I shook my head. "Maybe you do, but you don't need me."

"Come on. I don't have time to interview replacements. You know me and Nasir likes you. You like cooking, don't you?"

I sighed and nodded. I seemed to be on a roller-coaster. It didn't sound like a good idea staying, but I really didn't want to leave, not yet anyway. I especially didn't want to leave when things were tense between Ross and Nasir. "I'll take it. I'll do it with pride like Nasir did it," I said with a little smile.

He smiled too and fell back on the bed.

"He's an amazing guy...Nasir. I had a boyfriend once, before I met Nasir. In fact, I met Nasir because of him. I was deeply in love with him. I thought he was the one. He was my first boyfriend...and last," he said and chuckled slightly. "I spoiled him. I gave him everything he wanted. We flew to Thailand because he craved Thai food. There are a lot of Thai restaurants in this country, but they didn't appeal to him. He broke my heart and shitted on it anyway. That was unintentional of course. He never intended for me to find out he was cheating on me or that he didn't even like me. Being with me was revolting and nauseating and every synonym of disgusting he could remember," he said and paused shortly, as if replaying the events in his head.

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