Something compelled me to start walking. It wasn't the change in weather. I have no idea what it was. It was almost as if the money was screaming at me to return it to its owner. It didn't matter that I'd probably have to shell out a lot of money to get my car back from the pound. The more I stayed with the money the more I felt like a thief.

I walked as fast as I could towards Mitchell Mansion. The sky was dark and the smell of looming rain intensified. The rain wasn't the only problem. I had a bag full of money. Ross wouldn't believe me if I told him I'd planned on returning the money then I got mugged. He'd see me as an opportunistic leech coming back for more money.

By the time I walked onto the porch I was tired and breathing heavily. I had underestimated the walk. The heavens still hadn't opened up but there was a wind blowing. I knocked on the door a couple of times. I even pushed the door when no one came to open. It was locked.

I turned away from it and started whistling. After all the walking I'd done I couldn't believe it was futile. I'd left my car in the middle of the road. I'd have to pay a fine for that.

I felt a need to smoke. As I was searching my pockets for a cigarette a glow appeared before me. I turned towards the door to see it was open. Nasir was standing there.

"Sebastian!" he said. "Are you okay?"

"Uh...yeah...I..." I said and he beckoned me in.

I walked inside and closed the door.

"Is everything okay?" he asked. He looked frail so I motioned him towards a chair in the corner of the entryway so he could sit.

"Where's Ross?"

"I don't know," he replied. "He took off again." The distress in his voice was audible.

"He didn't say anything to you?" I said quickly.

"After you left he left. He didn't say anything," he replied.

"Too much to think he went to the bank?"

"He's been gone for hours. His phone is off. I'm worried about him."

I rubbed my temples. "I came back to return his money. I can't use it."

"What money?"

"He gave me a lot of money after firing me, more than what he owes me for working for him. I took it but that was selfish. I can't accept it," I explained.

Nasir smiled. "I was so wrong about you. Well you are a terrible PA but you're a good guy."

I pressed my lips firmly together. There was a bit of silence. The silence was enough for disturbing thoughts to creep into my brain. What if Ross hurt himself?

"Do you know where he could have gone?" I asked hurriedly.

"I have no idea. He rarely went out before you came into the picture. There's uh...a gentlemen's club he likes."

I made a split decision. "I'm going to look for him. Can I borrow your car?"

"Absolutely," he said trying to stand up.

"Don't worry, I've got this. Just tell me where the car keys are."


It was nice to be in a car that didn't smell like mold and posed a lesser health risk. I drove around the city for a while looking in bars and hotels and crazy expensive restaurants that wouldn't let me in. He wasn't at the glorified strip club either, if Steven could be trusted. He wouldn't let me in. All the while I searched I tried calling Ross. I texted him even. His phone took me to voicemail and he didn't return my calls.

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