Chapter 1 Part 2

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Jared crossed the room and got into one of his files labelled as 'Building Plans'. He filed through it and got out an assortment of papers for divorce filed a little over 4 months ago. They had his signature on it but not Marriet's. I was gaping at both the papers and Jared. He smirked.

"She has cheated on me about 8 times already. I may not love her but I at least want some respect. I got what I married her for, so things between us are fine," Jared explained.

I looked at him in utter disbelief. "What about the baby..?" I asked hesitantly, my hands going to my small baby bump.

"The baby will be raised by both you and I. I ask that you come to live with me. You will no longer work, for your safety and to help me concentrate on work. I can hire nannies, maids, chefs, whatever you wish as long as I can provide you and her the best life possible and help you stay comfortable and stress free during your pregnancy," he explained, his eyes looking between mine and my stomach.

I looked him in the eye, wondering why he would care about me. I understand his concern for the baby, but me? "What about my classes? I am a student, you know. And also, I understand caring for my health during the pregnancy, but what about after?"

Jared grinned at me. "You may contiue classes and I can relieve you of student loans and pay for your tuition. We do not need to be a couple, but I would like you to care for the baby and stay near me to avoid the press and anyone looking to black mail me due to my position in running the business.

Should anymore children between us be made, the same thing will be requested of you." He laughed for a moment, but his face became serious as he wrote exactly what he said previously onto paper. He signed it and handed the pen over to me.

I signed without hesitation, wanting the best for our child. Jared smiled at me and my baby bump. "I will be a father to her, I promise you that. I will care for you as well. Should we end up falling in love, I assure you I will treat you well and provide you the best life possible," Jared said, a small smile still on his lips.

I knew he was a man's of his word and I nodded to him.

Life just became a lot easier and harder at the same time.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2018 ⏰

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