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Ezra's POV

I was shocked...

When she fainted my brain had stopped processing 

Even if I don't know if she feels the same, at least let her be safe...

When she hugged me I knew that there was a slight chance that she had felt the same way...

But literally she hasn't let go of me for the past 15 minutes

Not that I'm complaining :)

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to.. AH-" she sniffed looking at the time

Zara's POV

I didn't even notice that I had been hugging Ezra for the last fifteen minutes!

I felt so embarrassed but...

I don't know if it's getting worse or better...

"W- Where am I?" I asked wiping away my tears

"Your in the infirmary, you fainted..." he answered as his voice faded away

"W-What? Did you say something?"


My mind started to bring me back to that day


Ezra pushed himself back

"E-E-zra I didn't mea-!" 

"You know what! Just leave me alone! GET OUT!" I said shouting

It's getting so much worse...

Evan's POV

I saw Ezra walking out of the infirmary

His head out of balance

He was fidgeting with his hair...

There was definitely something wrong


"Huh?" his voice surprised

"Why were you in there?" 

"Are you hurt?" I asked

"No, no it's just Zara" he said worried

"That witch! Where is she?!" I said pissed off

"Uhm s-shes in there" he answered

"I'm gonna give her a piece of my mind!"


I slammed the infirmary door open

"YOU G-!"

"What do you want?"

Her voice sounded depressing, her behaviour was unusual

"What did you do with my brother?" I asked with a patient voice


Her head was facing down, her hair covering her face

She basically looked like Bloody Mary, no seriously

I walked towards her, I started to lose my patience

I walked to her bed and held her face towards me

"What did you do to my brother?" I asked not joking around

I felt water on my wrists


Was she CRYING?

I pushed her hair away from her face

It was definately tears

But why?

Was it from something I said?

Zara's POV

He looked just like him...

I slapped his hand away as I stood up wiping away my tears..

I fixed my posture and my uniform and walked out

"Stay away from me..I don't want anything from the BOTH of you..."

I saw Ezra leaning on the wall next to the door

He heard what I said 

He was depressed, and I knew he was

Because I've experienced it before...

I walked out of the school gates and started walking away from the mess I made

Now they'll all know...

My pulse started to beat fast 

I started to sweat and I also started to tremble

What was happening?

"Miss are you ok?"

Who's voice was this?

It definately wasn't Evan or Ezra

But it somehow seemed familiar...

I fell to the ground too weak to stand up.. 

My vision went blurry and all sounds around me faded away

"MISS!! Miss——-"

Everything went pitch black

It happened again

But this time it was worse...

The Bet For HeartbreakTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang