The Infirmary

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Zara's POV

What was he doing here?

How did he even have access?

"Wow that's quite a big graze, how did it even happen?"

"I, erm fell over."

I raised an eyebrow. How can such an injury occur from falling over. This flooring isn't even that hard!

He winced as I cleaned the blood on his knee.

"Calm down, you're not dying" I said.

In my opinion..he should be more stronger than that for being a boy!

So much for being the 'bad boy'

I soon realised his eyes were on me, and I didn't hesitate to point this out.

"What are you staring at?"

"Erm, er n-nothing.." he stuttered, though he was still keeping his gaze on me.

Does this boy know anything?

I didn't bother to even speak back

Evan's POV

Who was she? 

Why is she being so nice to me. I mean, if I were in her position I would definitely just leave myself helplessly.

I took in her charming smell.

Was it possible for a girl to be this neat and tidy?

She then applied a bandage.

"OWWW. Too tight!" I cried

"Then do it yourself if you're going to complain!"

Wow, very feisty she is!

Once she was finished with my knee, she walked out of the room.

"Wait!" I called after her.

But she ignored me and left anyway...

The Bet For HeartbreakМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя