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Evan's POV

I walked through the hallways, my gaze down at the floor. 

Zara was behind me, how did she know I climbed over the gate?!

Seriously, this girl is quite creepy!

I could see Axel's shoes down below, hoping he wouldn't say anything to me.

But to my horror, he did.

"Don't forget!"

I instantly knew he wanted me to do the 'bet'

I came to a sudden halt, causing Zara to crash into me.

"What's wrong with you?!" She glared at me.

"Erm nothing..sorry." I muttered. "But I just want to tell you something."

I wore a little smile whilst saying this.

"Go on.."

"I erm, have liked you for quite a while now, heh." I fibbed, only for the sake of the bet.

"..but we only met this morning?" She was completely bewildered.

"Yeah I know, but I have seen you roaming the hallways and well you know..I think you look really...cute"

"Cut the crap, and get straight to the point I've had enough dealing with your nonsense." She snapped.

"Ah well...I was wondering if I could take you out sometime?"

There was an awkward silence. I tried blocking all the whispers and murmurs from other students in the hallway.

"Maybe try to get to know someone before asking them out!" Her eyes narrowed and there was no doubt this will be a tough time for me.

"Oh, well, maybe just as friends?" I tried.

"We aren't friends!" She walked off, making it obvious she wanted nothing to do with me.

Zara's POV

I walked off in the opposite direction.

What was he thinking???

I just met him, and he's already asking me out?!

What kind of thing does he want to accomplish this time!

He's being quite suspicious, but through everything I've's probably his normal state..?

I headed towards my first class. I tried my best to concentrate on the lesson, but with him in the same class, it was nearly impossible.

The next day

Once again, I was early for school, being the only one with access and because of that boy I've had to do more to do more duties than I could possibly do!

The hallway was quiet and still, not a single sound breaking it except for my own footsteps.

I hoped not to find the troublesome boy around at any point today!

As the corridor began to crowd up, I decided to head to class early and hand in my homework before anyone else.

To my surprise, Evan Dayl was sat at his usual seat. 

He gazed down at his desk, deciding not to make eye contact, in which I was glad of. 

Our teacher had not arrived to the classroom yet and I supposed she was in the staff room.

I sat at my desk, a few seats before Evan.

I could feel his eyes peering at the back of my head. I wanted to turn around and see if he was but agreed to myself not to.

Once class was over, I met him in the corridor. Not wanting to do anything with him, I brushed past, but he suddenly grabbed my bag.

"Just wait a second, I'm getting something from my locker. Don't go anywhere." He insisted, making him seem more confident than ever.

I wanted to sneak away but chose otherwise.

He returned...his hands placed behind his back.

What is he holding?

"They're for you." He smiled, as he held out a bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolate.

I stared at him blankly.

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