They what now?

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Ghost POv
After I had my armor on chief asked Cortana as to why she woke us up her response was that there was a high frequency scan of the ship and that we are near a planet
I then piped up.
"Who scanned us?"
"Unknown but it was high tech and fast."
"Could it be the unsc came to rescue us?"
"Shouldn't we head to the bridge we'll have a better idea of what is going on and also find out wee we are."
" good point ghost, cortana what systems are online?"
"Life support, weapons but only the front ones half the ship is gone also they have to be manually fired due to damage also I read life forms above deck we should investigate ."
"Ok lets go."
We rushed to the quickest way to the bridge which was an elevator.
I pressed the button nothing happened.
"Damn busted looks like we're climbing I'll get the doors open."
"Be careful!"
Too late as I began to pry the doors open I felt like I was being dragged through it didn't help that Chief was as well and knocked me further into the shaft.
"Yep we definitely need to climb."
There was a loud bang above us we had to move quickly I jumped to the left and Chief move right eventually after some hardcore parkour (a/n)I had to sorry. :P)
We made it to the...
"Chief I think Cortana was tight about the life forms here look the doors are open someone else must have opens them and it weren't one of us."
"Good observation spartan proceed with caution."
"Yes sir."
As I was climbing out a friggin 'hinge head tried to tackle me. We struggled for a few seconds until I jumped up wrapped my lags around its head spun and practically threw it down the elevator shaft just as Chief was about to stab it.
The voice said.
'quiet! your distracting me!'
"I thought we had a truce with them?"
"A lot can change with time."
"Agreed let's get moving also we need weapons as well."
"We could always 'borrow' one off the elites?"
"Good idea lets do that."
We snuck up to the door leading to the bridge there were two elites standing guard with their backs to us we looked at each other and nodded pouncing onto the elites snapping their neck and taking there storm rifles and plasma grenades we then cleared out the bridge with ease we were opening the blast doors. Cortana decided to try and be optimistic.
"Maybe we only bumped into some scavenge..."
'Oh shit'
The blast shields open to reveal the entire covenant fleet. Then I piped up.
"One: were screwed and two: INCOMING!!"
I yelled as two phantoms penetrated the windows with docking tubes allowing covenant forces to pour through.
"This feels like a Monday."

Adventures of spartan ghost Where stories live. Discover now