Oh Why

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The drugs only mask the true pain that hides inside the mind of the troubled, and I ask why give so much pain and anguish to a soul that can't stand on their own two feet without a guiding light oh why

I ask why must your body be the canvas that you use to to paint your attempted suicide and if you didn't want to survive why ask me to keep you alive oh why

My mind is troubled with the burden of keeping another entity afloat aboard the craft of life but it's so hard to say no when I know that if I don't I will literally watch you drown
I'm sorry I haven't been the best boyfriend and that I allowed you to drive yourself on a road you did not know would end with you in the fetal position oh why

I remember when you broke up with me the first time and I thought it was because you didn't need me anymore to let down your masts so they could catch the wind, I thought I taught you well enough oh why

As I lay in this bed next to you watching you breathe I know that eventually you will have your last and it will be way before your time but what can I do? I am just a child of light trying to help a demon banish his own, Ben oh why

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