Meeting my bodyguard

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Gakushu standing infront her window. Staring at the road.

"Mitsuho-san" Gakushu muttered.

Then, come a Range Rover car. Parking under the roof. When, Gakushu see the car she walk to the living room be meeting by her father and absolutely that Mitsuho guy.

"Ah, Good morning princepessa I already heard about your problem ." said the man making Gakushu raise eyebrows .

" I not a princess, " Gakushu said irrirate making Mitsuho laugh . She know the meaning . It Italian word that mean princess.

" Sure, signora, "

Gakushu sigh and let it be. Well nothing can change Mitsuho.

"I let you two talk too each other." Gakuho said before walk away.

"Hey, Mitsuho"

"Lucan , it Lucan. I need to not reveal my true identity to anyone. So it be my pleasure if you call me Lucan."

"Okay, said Lucan why did you agreed to be my bodyguard." Gakushu take a tea and drink it after take seat infront Mitsuho.

"Because I like you , signora."

Gakushu chocked.

" But not in pervert way. I like you as sibling. You did know I don't have anyone else expect you family."

"Mitsuho, he my cousin that always protect me .He family died in an accident when I 5 years old and he 12 and now he age is around 22 I guess"

" Be your protecter is my work. I will follow you to your class too you know."

"Wait , what?!!"

"Yes, this is your father command, "

Gakushu sigh. She know she couldn't win against her father.

" I don't want dealing with headache today ,"

That night Gakushu have headache because thinking how to tell others. Absolutely she will have headache tomorrow.

skip time

Gakushu feel like dying right now. She want to hide under her blanket and don't go to school. She too imaging Akabane smug face snickering to her and a scenario goes like this.

" Ehh?!! Asano-chan have a bodyguard how weak of you as a girl."

Just think of that making she want to punch that read hair face.

Gakushu walk to the school  because she need to hide herself from any main building student so she come one hour early than the time school start.

Gakushu made decision to look around the forest, apparently she be follow by Mitsuho. They than made decision to rest under a tree.

" Lucan, if you from the department you must know Karasuma Tadaomi right? "

" Oh, he . Yeah, we in a same squad when we be train you know."

" Oh"

"Let get you to the class, shall we?"

Mitsuho give a hand to Gakushu that just accept it. They than go to the E class building. Gakushu enter the E class while Mitsuho enter the staff room. He will be their teacher and using name Lucan. But I don't think he will hide the fact that he Gakushu bodyguard.

skip time

" Did you heard it?"

"Yeah , the new sensei will teach us in math I think"

"Wait, Mitsuho san teaching math you kidding me."

From she own memory that Mitsuho not to good in math.

"He math from he 13 years same like that Yoshida I guess"

But that is old story he right now is 22 years.

"Good morning class, like you know we have a new transfer teacher. You may in."

Mitsuho enter that class. Standing beside Karasuma.

"Good morning everyone. My name Lucan and I will teach you in math. You can call me Lucan sensei. Anyone have any questions?"

Nagisa raise he hand.

"Yes, Nagisa kun"

Nagisa shock but try to hide it.
"Are you Italian ?"

"Yeah, you more look like Japanese to us." Said Nakamura .

Gakushu apparently try to fight with her headache. Mitsuho/Lucan notice it.

"I be born in Itali but both of my parent actually Japanese."

The class now when silent. They don't know what to ask anymore.

"Is there is nothing I will start teacher. Okay, open your text book."

skip time

Right now the E class will have their P.E. The student make exercise and than come a yellow octopus landing in the middle of the student.

"Hey, sensei !!" yell Nakamura.

"Nyuhuhu, I heard you have a new teacher. Where is he?"

Than there is a pause of silent. Korosensei and student around he was suprise . One of Korosensei tentacle. They look at the area it come. Be meeting by Gakushu and beside he Mitsuho/Lucan sensei.

"You made a good job Gakushu-chan " Mitsuho pat Gakushu head. Mitsuho than walk to Korosensei. (Deja vu anyone)

"So you the unkillable sensei. I heard about you a lot from Asano-chan."

"What is that suppose to mean I never tell you anything."

"Of course, not from her mouth but from her book. She write many thing here and about you weakness too."

"How on earth you get thet?"

Mitsuho chuckle when he look Gakushu piss expression .

"I hope to see you skill, Korosensei "  Mitsuho said then walk away.

"Ah, I warn to you." He stop he walk. He aura making E class remind of Gakushu aura in the pole topling. One word 'dangerous'.

" Don't even dare hurting Gakushu or I made you suffer."
..and he walk away leaving the student and Korosensei.

"God, Mitsuho what you done." Gakushu now be the attention.

" You have bodyguard"

"How you learn to throw knife like that?"

"You know him"

Well, what we can say is this is Asano Gakushu what you expect .

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