first though went meet E class

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Sorry I not update my story for a while. I hope you enjoy it. Please tell me if there any grammar mistake. :)

Asano Gakushuu P.O.V
"Who is the girl?"

"She with the principil"

I could believe I'll be part of this class.Gakushuu said to 'herself'.

"Okay . Like Karasuma sensei already tell you Asano ku-Asano chan will be part of the E class"
Korosensei said. (he said 'asano chan' because be glare by the principil)

"A-Asano-c-chan.W-WHAT THE HELL?!!!"Yell my 'new classmates'.

"Okay I know you all suprise" a cold voice interrupt . It's my 'lovely' father." Actually I don't want to tell you anything because it confusing so you can ask Asano ku-I mean Asano chan ."

"Hey, you said you want to help me"
I snap. Too bad, you made me angry. I 'll kill you!!

"Sorry but I need to do some work ,so I will take my leave ." After he go out the class kept silence.


"So A-asano san ,you don't mind .." I give he a glare, and stop talking.

"So" I begin because the air fell so akward "Were should I seat , sensei?" I ask than look around.

"You can seat beside Akabane" he said .Wait whaatttt?!!!! I try to calm myself and walk to 'my new tables' beside the red head delinquent.

skip time

Now the worse time.( It's lunch time.) I see many E class students look at me.

"If you have questions you may ask" I said with straigh tone.They walk close to me.

" S-So said Asano san." said the class leader."What actually happen?"

"Sorry but it a top secret " I said and force myself to smile .

If you don't want to answer just said it a secret it eventually help.

I said to myself.

"Are she even Asano kun?" I heard some whisper. Hey ,that rude.

"Okay then. You don't take a lunch ?" said a blue hair boy. Nagisa Shiota.

" No, Shiota san"I said . They all look suprise .Sigh,E class.

"As a student coucil and the principil son I memorized all name of the student especially third year student."

They all look shock. God , from the look of their faces you can said they screaming In their mind and said 'what the h*ll'.

"Oh okay "said Shiota. "and you can call me by my first name"

"you call me by my first name" I give a suspicious face.

"That unusual"

"I prefer to be call by my first name "he said while chuckle.A little smile on my face.Not a fake one a true one.

"Oh okay then Nagisa kun" I said receive few smile face and the rest is shock.

Am I to nice?

asano gakushu turn to a girl ( dark secret of Asano Gakuho)Where stories live. Discover now