Chapter 2 Promises

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Amu walked into the girl's locker room, expecting no one to be there and she was correct. The locker room felt cold and lonely. She sat herself down on top of one of the blue benches near the lockers and decided to open her bag and take out the several notes she written Ikuto in the past.

I'm supposed to be forgetting about him, she mopped but there she was in the girl's locker room reading through all the letters and notes she wanted to mail to Ikuto. Obviously she wasn't really going to mail them to him but she still wrote them to give her self some type of closure.

She still thought he was going to come back, she still had that hope inside her. Was today going to be that day? What about Zero, Zero is a guy like no other she really likes Zero. Tadase hasn't given up yet either, any chance he gets he swoops in to save Amu, like prince charming.

She went inside her bag and carefully lifted up the old egg pouch that Kairi gave to her, the time she thought Tadase took her out on a date. That time her and Ikuto share their almost-kiss between a vanilla ice cream cone. Amu's cheek turns a light crimson at remembrance to that day.

I have those types of moments with Zero all the time! , she fought with herself, like the stubborn teenager she was. She opened up the pouch and saw her Chara's eggs. She poked all of them at least twice to wake them up.

The first one to pop out of their egg was Su, "Morning~desu" She responded with a yawn. "Su, its actually 3 in the afternoon but Good morning anyway" Amu giggled. The rest of the chara's woke up as well greeted Amu.

"What's this?" Ran asked rubbing her left eye with her tiny fingers, Amu blushed and shoved all the letters into her bag.

Miki gasped, "You wrote letters to Ikuto!?" Amu put her head down on top of her bag shamefully.

"Yes I did," She said sheepishly, "Amu-chan, you don't have to be ashamed for you're feelings towards someone" Dia informed, Amu shot her head up and groaned. "Yes I know that, but I can't be feeling something for a guy that hasn't been in my life for 4 years. I have Zero now, I have to forget Ikuto. I have too, Ikuto...." Amu paused and dusted her self off before standing up. She gathered her things together and placed them on top of the bench.

Amu formed her hand into a fist, wanting to punch him for how hurt she was. I'm not strong, Amu thought, I'm pathetic for worrying about a guy for 4 years.

"Screw Ikuto! I hate him! I hate him so much! I refuse to care anymore I'm done!" Amu yelled, she swung her bag over her shoulder and started to walk towards the exit.

"Amu-chan," her charas all said in sync, soon they trailed after her.

Amu walked in the backside of the school, no one would usually walkthrough here beside the trouble makers. Her charas screamed her name trying to calm her down but she ignores them and kept walking, staring directly towards the sidewalk.

She didn't see where she was headed and bumped into something. She was about to fall back but someone firmly gripped her forearms and kept her still. "Hey are you ok?" the deep voice implied, Amu looked up and saw no one other than Sebastian Michaelis.

"Oh ..erm..Yes thank you for catching me" she responded, he smiled and Amu felt her self feel weak at the knees, Yea Sebastian has the effect on girls ;).

"No worries, I'm Sebastian" He smiled again, "I-I"m Amu Hinamori" She stuttered. Amu didn't believe any of the rumors spread around about Sebastian he seemed sweet.

"Well, I have to go, see you around?" Sebastian asked Amu nodded not knowing what to respond. He waved and walked off, "Amu-chan is a player," Miki said sticking out her tongue.

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