Chaos Blast: Part 1

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Angel Island. The floating paradise in the sky. Home to the Master Emerald, which was being guarded by a certain hot-blooded echidna. But instead of doing what he normally did, which was abusing the trees and rocks around him with his namesakes, he was lying on the bottom step of the Master Emerald shrine, with his hands propped up behind his head and his legs crossed

The ocean breeze wafted through the air, rustling the grass and the leaves ever so slightly. A calming sensation fell upon Knuckles as the sun shone softly in the mid-afternoon sky. The red echidna was staring up into the endless blue tranquility as he was trying to find clouds that reminded him of past adventures. A cloud that looked like a distinguished, familiar blue hero floated slowly by, taking it's sweet and precious time as if it were in no rush to get to wherever it was floating off to. Knuckles chuckled at the thought of Sonic ever going slow.

The blue speed demon had made himself a well-known hero to the little world he lived in. Knuckles himself had become quite the hero too, though not as famous as Sonic.

The cherry-colored echidna inhaled the sweet air and breathed a sigh of relief. It was moments like this when Knuckles was glad that Eggman had retreated. It was fun to fight against him with his friends, but sometimes a much deserved rest was needed.

Speaking of rest, Knuckles was being lulled to sleep by the warmth of the sun. He was slowly being pulled into a state of serenity due to the relaxing environment around him. Everything blurred together and time seemed to stand still. Finally, he let himself go and closed his half-lidded eyes.

Suddenly, the Master Emerald started to pulsate with a bright, green glow.

Something was wrong.

Knuckles' eyes shot open and he quickly stood to his feet. Probably because he got up so fast, (at a speed that could rival Sonic's, might I add) Knuckles ended up flat on his face when he tried to bolt up the stairs. Gritting his teeth in pain, the red hero rubbed his nose as he slowly got up. "Good thing Sonic wasn't here to see that." Knuckles grumbled "He'd never let that go." He ignored the pain coming from his snout and dashed up the shrine steps.

When Knuckles got to the Master Emerald safely, he searched it for any signs of distress. As he did so, he felt the warm glow against his face. "Master Emerald, what's wrong?" the echidna asked the glowing green rock anxiously. As if in response, the Master Emerald started blinking even more rapidly. Knuckles yelped in surprise. He had become worried now. He suddenly noticed images appearing on the emerald's surface. One looked like there were black clouds in the sky, seeming as if the darkest pits of hell had been unleashed. Another looked to be something similar to a chaos blast. The last one Knuckles saw was a mustached muruader and his two robot henchmen "Eggman." Knuckles snarled. Then, just as suddenly as they had appeared, the images vanished. Knuckles had caught a glimpse of the others that were shown, but they were too blurred and were gone before he could even question them.

The Master Emerald was still flashing like a light show, but it had died down a little.

"I bet Eggman has got something to do with this." Knuckles exclaimed aloud. The guardian let out a sigh. It seemed like his vacation was coming to an abrupt stop. He wasn't complaining, though. Some of Eggman's robots were actually a bit of a challenge. Keyword being a bit. Knuckles enjoyed kicking butt alongside his friends. Sonic's puns he could do without, but otherwise the fights were quite entertaining to watch.

Knuckles smirked, until a shiver ran up his spine. He then got goosebumps and instinctly rubbed his arms, trying to warm up from the sudden chill even though the temperature in the air around him hadn't dropped at all. Something He couldn't explain it, but he felt as though something bad were about to happen. Knuckles never knew in that moment how right he was.

Suddenly, the warm breeze turned into a vicious howl and the air around the guardian dropped several degrees. He quickly hopped down the stairs and looked up to the sky, an alarmed expression on his face as the comforting, blue heavens became dark while black clouds swirled above as far as the eye could see. The sun disappeared behind the smoke-like clouds and the light faded away. All the plant life surrounding the red hero suddenly wilted a bit, seemingly dying.

While Knuckles was distracted by this strange phenomenon, a robot snuck up behind the surprised hero and pulled his gloved fists behind his back. Knuckles staggered a bit forward in surprise, but realization dawned on him and his face turned into a nasty growl. The robot was none other than Metal Sonic, Sonic's metal doppleganger. If looks could kill, Metal Sonic would've been ripped to pieces. Knuckles struggled to escape the robot's grasp,but to no avail.

Out of nowhere came a large robot, with an egg-shaped villain at the head of the machine. Knuckles recognized the menacing robot. It was the Egg Dragoon. The guardian looked at the large contraption, literally glaring daggers at it. The machine's chest, however, was different. It was a capsule, sort of like a vacuum, and it held what seemed to be all 7 chaos emeralds. The machine itself seemed to be vacuuming something up, but it didn't look like it was actually doing anything. The creator of the machine was laughing manically, which was really starting to get Knuckles' nerves.

"Eggman! What do you think you're doing?!" Knuckles yelled. Even though his yell would've broken anybody's eardrum within 10 feet of him, Metal Sonic only looked up to his creator.

"I'm finally going to rid myself of that blue pest and his friends, including you." Eggman paused dramatically. He smiled dangerously as he resumed. "But in order to do that, I need the Master Emerald to-"

"Is this where you start monologuing about how this is inevidently our end and yada yada yada..." Knuckles interrupted with a bored look on his face, yet he still managed a smile.

"Why you little-" Eggman fumed, steam pouring out his ears as his face turned the color of Knuckles' fur. Knuckles only smiled at this. It was hilarious to see the doctor go off like that. It was like he was a ticking time bomb getting ready to go off.

"As I was saying," Eggman gave Knuckles a look of annoyance. "I need the Master Emerald for my master plan. But I knew I'd have to go through you to get it. So I created this beauty to suck up all the positive chaos energy in the air, rendering you and your friends powerless!"

"Leaving the Master Emerald unguarded!" Knuckles finished, feeling the color leave from his face.

Eggman laughed deviously.

"Now you're catching on!"

Eggman pointed at Knuckles as an army of badniks jumped out of the forest, surrounding our trapped hero.

Knuckles suddenly felt a bit weak.

Not good.

"Robots, attack!" Eggman yelled victoriously.

But before they could do anything, a loud CLANG sounded from behind Knuckles as a blue blur launched Metal Sonic away from a now freed echidna. The hit also sent Knuckles flying into the air. Gravity took its toll and Knuckles ended up face first in the ground, creating a track of dirt in the somewhat untouched grass. Knuckles pulled his head out of the earth and spit out the grass and dirt in his mouth. His white gloves were now covered in dirt and grass stains, which made Knuckles growl. Grass stains were not easy to wash out of the white fabric. Knuckles looked like he needed a bath.

"Great. Just great. First those images on the Master Emerald, then Eggman attacks, and now this. What else can go wrong?" Knuckles said, losing his pride in that one moment. That is if he ever had any to begin with.

Knuckles, you just had to ask, didn't you?

Knuckles looked up to see his 'friend'. The one and only Sonic the Hedgehog, standing in front of the fallen hero with a smirk on his face and his arms crossed.

All the robots around them had stood still at the sight of the Blue Blur. Metal Sonic was nowhere to be seen, probably lying in the forest somewhere. At least, that's what they hoped.

"Oh no." Knuckles groaned.

Hoped you guys enjoy my story so far! This is my first time creating any sort of fanfic and it seems pretty good, if I do say so myself. Please comment what you think so far and follow me on Wattpad.

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Sonic characters in this story. I only made up this story in sheer boredom.

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