"maybe." i say smiling at him menacingly. he smirks and runs out.

"thats all i need for now. love you!" he says from the hallway.

"hate you!" he says.

"you love Katniss, Lover Boy?" Clove asks me mockingly. i nod my head and glare at both of them.

she straddles me and uncovers my mouth. "Do you really?" she asks tracing the side of my face with her finger.

"yes!" i sneer. "dont hurt her." i say angrily and worriedly at the same time.

"oh i dont care about what happens to Everdeen. he got his girl and now i have my guy. so its all good." she says smirking, her face inches away from mine.  i move back against the wall and she keeps coming closer. "now are you gonna tell the popo about this?" she asks cunningly.

"yeah." i say simply. "and who has Katniss?" i demmand.

"oh...that." she says smirking back at Cato. "someones not so happy with Lover Boy. jealous even, so to say." she says shrugging. "we've recently aquired a new colleaugue." she grins and kisses my neck. i shudder and back away.

"WHO!" i shout through gritted teeth.

"you know your not the only one whos in love with her? theres someone else. theres always been someone else." she says. Cato brings up a picture on his cell phone and hands it to Clove who holds it up for me to see. its Katniss. shes tied up and someones standing over her. i cant tell who it is at first but when i look closer i can tell clearly.

"Gale?" i ask.

"yeah. hes stronger than ya think." Cato says. "ya know, he wanted help with a problem he had, ya know someone he wanted to take care of. and in return we took him in. i like his rage. he has a certain firey edge. and he lives in the heart of the seam. ya know ya got a lotta bravery datin a girl from the ghetto of the seam. a lotta sluts in the area." he finishes.

"Katniss is not a slut! just because of where you live doesnt say who you are. other than Gale none of her friends are from the Seam." i protest.

"because everyone in the seam knows her, and her games. that why you dont know, rich kid! thers alot no one knows about Everdeen. shes not girly whatsoever. thats not the real her." he explains.

"i know that. i have been dating her for four yeears." i say.

"look. you know she hunts, and you know she can shoot a bow. what else do you know Lover Boy?" Clove says, still getting closer to me.

"i know shes nothiing like you people. shes unique. and i know you did something to bribe Gale." i say skeptically.

"yeah. of course. you never get passed the Careers with a win. we always win something. he'll do whatever we say all long as he gets what he wants." Clove says.

"oh? and what does he want?" i ask narrowing my eyes at her.

"Katniss. he loves her. and more importantly hates you! now we cant stay here long even though im having so much fun. so we gotta get going." she says glancing at Cato.

Cato covers my mouth and opens the window. Clove grabs my arm forcefully and pulls a knife out of her coat, bringing it close to my throat. " go!" she instructs and i climb out the window.

"who has a rope ladder coming out of their window?" Cato asls. i cant speak, but i made that ladder and put it there myself.

they force me through the woods and eventually Clove covers my eyes with her free hand. i wish i knew where we were going, but i have no way of knowing.

when she moves her hand i she a large beat up old shed in the middle of the forest somewhere. i hear a scream and i know its Katniss's.  my heart drops to my knees and i vow to myself to kill Gale when i get the next chance.

they take e inside and throw me in some concrete room. it has a small window high up. if i stand i can barley see through an i see Gale getting all over and trying to kiss Katniss. i bang my head on the window hoping itwill get their attention and it does. they both turn around and i see Katniss mouth "im sorry help me Peeta." and Gale throws her to the ground, coming into my own room.

"im not gonna take shit from you Lover Boy! leave her alone shes mine! and you cant do anything about it!" oh yes i can. i knee him in the groin and he winces, falling to the ground. he gets to his feet and pulls out a gun. he holds it up to the window so Katniss sees it and points it at my head. i love you Katniss. if this is the end, i'll miss you. im sorry i couldnt protect you. he pulls the trigger but not aimed at me. he shot the wall on purpose. he glares at me and walks back out slamming the door. i notice he smirked as he walked out, but he didnt goback to Katniss's cell, he left. he walked, frustratedly out into the forest, and what looks like cursing himself under his breath.

Whats going on with him?

and more importantly do i want to know?

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