Chapter 8: (Written by Contest Winner jsub2001)

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Chapter 8: by- jsub2001

Gale POV
I storm out of Peetas cell angrily.

"Why does he need to get involved in everything" I think. "If he would have just left Katniss alone then none of this would have happened."

I walk and sit down on a nearby rock in deep thought.

Katniss would have loved me if Peeta hadn't come along.

I can't believe that I put up with Peeta and Katniss for four years.

All they do is kiss, hug, text when they aren't together and let Katniss fail math.

I need to do something about their relationship because if I don't I will never get Katniss and Peeta will run and tell someone what's happened.

He may be all lovey dovey with Katniss but that boy will find a way to get him and Katniss out of there.

I have just started my plan when Clove and Cato cone around to where I'm sitting.

"So" Cato asks "What's happening with those two."

"Yes, well I have figured out a plan" I tell them.

"Well then spit it out" Clove says icily and I tell them my plan. 

Katniss POV 

I sit there replaying what i just saw over and over again in my head.

I see Peeta sitting there and then Gale storming in with a gun, I see Gale point it at Peeta and shoot and then Gale storms out of the cell.

I taste salt water and notice that tears have been streaming down my cheeks the whole time.

I get up and walk to the window that separates mine and Peetas cell.

I look through and notice that Peeta isn't dead.

What! He's not dead!

We might be able to get out of here after all!

Then Gale walks in. "What do you want Gale?" I ask.

"I am only going to say this once. If you do what I say then you will get to eat" Gale says simply.

"What do you want then Gale" I say coldly.

"Kiss me" Gale says.

He then walks over to me, getting closer and closer.

I try to back away but he has got me in a corner, he's right in front of me and then be kisses me.

It isn't nice like Peetas kisses because it is more forceful.

He then leaves but forgets to lock the door.

I run up to the door but all I hear is Gales feet crunching along the dried up leaves on the ground.

I poke my head through and find Cato fast asleep against a tree with his axe lying down next to him.

I run and grab the axe using my soft hunters tread.

I run back to my cell watching for the 'Careers'-which now includes Gale to go back to their hut.

Soon night falls and the Careers all fall asleep.

"They are so stupid" I think to myself  "Leaving the keys under the doormat. Such an obvious spot if you know Gale."

I run to Peetas cell and unlock the door.

He smiles and I motion him to come over.

He shakes his head and I notice that he is still tied up.

I run over and use the axe to cut off his ropes.

He soon gets all the tops off and kisses me.

The kiss goes for a Lin time and I am sad when I have to be the first to pull away.

"I thought I would never see you again" he says. "Gales accidentally left my cell unlocked" I say shrugging like it is no big deal when inside I am shaking so bad.

We run over to the careers hut and lock the door including all the windows and the back door.

We silently run to the police station.

"Yes?" says the officer that is at the front desk.

"You know Cato and Clove from the seam?" I ask."

"Yes" says the officer "we've been on their case for years."

"Well them and Gale Hawthorne from the seam kidnapped me and my boyfriend Peeta. They took us to the woods and Gale tried to shoot Peeta. They put us in separate cells and tied us up and gagged us. I broke free of the ropes and Gale accidentally left my cell unlocked. I got Peeta and I out of there and we locked them in the hut they were staying in to keep an eye on us. We need the police to get to them immediately before they wake up". I say all in a rush.

"I will get my best officers on it" he says and begins dialing numbers.

Soon we have a bunch of police officers and police cars following us to the woods where the Careers are hiding out.

Clove starts screaming when the police get there and soon they are all in jail cells in the local prison. 


Peeta climbs through the window in my room and helps me load the rest of my stuff into the his parents bakery truck that we are taking to our new apartment.

Peeta picked out the apartment himself and said that its at surprise. 












i want to thank jsub2001 for entering and winning the contest! 

and i also want to give credit to the second place winner! but i dont know their wattpad name and dont want to use their real name, so if you entered, check your email and reply to me so i can give you proper credit. 

-Aaliyah <3

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