mark x johnny

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mark ran towards johnny as soon as he caught sight of him.

"daddy!" mark shouted, johnny bent down and scooped him up in his arms,

"hello, my little prince! are you doing good baby?"

mark was so excited to see johnny, he hadn't been home all week and he was finally getting to spend time with him. "baby is doing soo good now that dada johnny is here." johnny basically had to stop himself from squealing at how cute mark was being.

"well baby, that makes dada sooo happy, do you wanna go lay down and cuddle?"

mark didn't really even need to answer that, cuddling was one of his favorite things to do. so, johnny carried him up to mark's room and laid down in the bed with him. mark felt so warm and happy with johnny's arms wrapped around his waist.

"dada, give hand to markie, pwease." johnny was a bit confused until it clicked in his mind that mark really liked sucking johnny's thumb instead of sucking his own, or using his paci.

johnny always thought it was the cutest thing when mark sucked on his thumb or on a paci, it really added to the baby-ness factor and made mark 20,000x cuter. with mark suckling on his thumb really slowly, johnny could tell he was getting sleepy.

"bubs, do you want daddy to bounce you or rock you so you can sleep?"

mark just nodded sleepily. johnny picked him up and swung his legs over the side of the bed, he sat mark on his lap facing him with his legs straddling him. mark wrapped one arm around johnny's neck and put the thumb of his other hand in his mouth, johnny started bouncing his legs at a medium pace while rubbing mark's back and humming twinkle twinkle little star to help him sleep. at some point, mark's thumb fell from his mouth and the closest thing for mark to suck on was johnny's neck. johnny didn't care at all, but it was a bit difficult to hide sometimes.

johnny kissed mark's shoulder once he was asleep and whispered,

"ah, my little angel, you're so cute."

hi i feel very little right now hhhhh

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