Getting to know each other

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After what seemed like hours of fighting with him and getting through the unforgiving hill tops we made it to my two story cabin finally. Carefully I get him up the steps, opening the door having him slouch a bit so he could get his big ass through the door. I helped him over to the couch after slightly booting the door shut behind us. "Okay, big guy you rest here and don't move that leg anymore" I told him in a slight strict voice then made my way towards the kitchen to fix us something to eat, I opened the friged and seen some steaks I left in to fall out earlier. Grabbing the meat, seasonings and some utensils I'll need to prepare it, I set it out and began to work my magic by adding stick butter into the skillet along with the meet 'I wonder if he eat it raw or cooked?' I pondered for a second as I added the seasonings to the meat coming to an agreement with myself to just barely sizzle the sides of his making it stay practically raw but with some heat to it and made mine a medium rare.

After getting our plates and beverages I walked out to him sitting on the other side of the couch making him follow my actions "Here you need to eat" I handed him his plate with the silverware on the sides of it. He takes the plate from my hand and stares at it for a moment as if checking for anything poisoned before making a light clicking sound. Then setting it to the side making me sigh "You know its not poisoned" I say looking at him and he just sat there staring at nothing making me slightly agitated before noticing he hasn't taken off his masked 'I wonder why he won't take that off' I thought slightly curious and leaned a bit to the side to get a better look making him notice and look back at me.
"Why won't you take that off?" I asked him curiously and only getting a grunt in return, making me sigh "Do you speak English at all?" I looked at him but got no answer grumbling slightly I get up setting my plate aside making him watch my actions as I move over to him "Alright, I am gonna move you to the guest room so your more comfortable" he nods and stand with a little help from me. I also grab his food and help him up the stairs to the bedroom and show him his room where he will be staying "Okay here is where you'll be staying, and if you need me I'll be in my room which is down the hall to the right" I explain as lay him down on the soft comforter. comforter. He nods and I set his food down, turning around I head out the door but before I do I hear a deep voice say thank you making me freeze And turn around slowly looking back at him seeing him stare at me.

After everything that happened I decided to go take a shower and relax, so after grabbing everything ill need I head to the bathroom. Locking the door begin Dr me I turn on some music on my speaker turning the song safe and sound on and hopped onto the hot shower and begin my prosses as I begin to sing.
"I remember tears streaming down your face
When I said I'll never let you go
When all those shadows almost killed your light
I remember you said don't leave me here alone
But all that's dead and gone and passed tonight"
I sang as I began scrubbing my hair and little did I know some on heard me and got up looking for the source.
"Just close your eyes
The sun is going down
You'll be alright
No one can hurt you now
Come morning light
You and I'll be safe and sound"
Making his way through the hall he stops at the door of the bathroom and listens quietly.
"Don't you dare look out your window
Darling, everything's on fire
The war outside our door keeps raging on
Hold on to this lullaby
Even when the music's gone
I sing out softly as I close my eyes remembering my past. And the unkown guest listens with his head hang low.
"Just close your eyes
The sun is going down
You'll be alright
No one can hurt you now
Come morning light
You and I'll be safe and sound"
A single tear slides down my face as I continue my voice cracking slightly.
"Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, oh, oh"
My voice coming out as a slight howl as he hears my sadden voice the best he can through the door.
"Just close your eyes
You'll be alright
Come morning light
You and I'll be safe and sound"
He listens closely as he could as my voice starts to lower near the end of the song.
"Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh oh oh" as I sing the last part I look down taking a deep breath and finish up my routine calming myself down a bit as a different song plays making things a little happier with the happy tune.

Stepping out of the shower I dry myself off and brush my hair and teeth along with washing my face. After getting done with that I get dress and unlock the door opening it only to jump back but quickly calmed down as I see its just my guest "Holly fuck you scared me!" I tell him as I calm my fast heart "I apologize" He says in his deep yet calming voice as I step out "Its okay just do- wait why are you standing out here when you should be resting?" Crossing my arm I give him a stern look but he just stands there with a slight smile behind his mask 'She's a brave one' He thought before getting intrupted by a caugh by the girl standing in front of him "I heard you singing" Answering my question making me blush I look away dropping my arms "Oh sorry".

"Whys do you apologize? You have a very beautiful voice" He says as he watches my embarrassed state, taking a step torwds me he raises his hand and gently strokes my cheek shocking me making me go still for a second. He pulls away snapping me out of it, sighing slightly I look up at him "Why do you wear that? It would be nice to see who you are" I said making him quiet for a bit then he reaches up unplugging two tubs making a tss sound and then reaches for his mask taking it off slowly as it makes the same sound. I was shocked by what I seen however I wasn't afraid matter of fact I found it oddly attractive.

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