Chapter 2: Infamous Karai

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Just as you were about to scream, the boy placed his hand over your mouth. 

"No need to scream dear, I am Karai, the most powerful-" He didn't even get to finish before you bit his hand and searched for a thing to beat the boy with. "Get. Out. Of. My. Room. You. Freak." You continued as you found the book you were reading before and began to hit him with it. 

Karai dodged every hit as you continued to try. "Just stop it already," He said as he grabbed the textbook. "You can't come in here, telling me you're a freaking shapeshifter. What do you want? Free rent?" You asked him as you tried to pry his hands off of the book. 

"Can you just listen for once," He barked as a sudden wind formed, blowing you off the ground and right on the wall. Landing right on your butt, you groaned as you rubbed the back of your head. You glanced up at the demon, to see the demon groaning in pain. 

"Haha, quit it. Stop acting and get to the point," You groaned, thinking he was making fun of you. "I'm not acting, every time you get hurt, especially by me, I can feel it. Since I caused the pain, I get it twice as much as you," 

"Well I didn't jump right into the wall, did I? And since you knew it, why did you do it?" You said as you slowly got up. 

"Y/n darling? Are you alright?" Your mom asked as you heard her approacing your room. "Quick, hide!" You whisper shouted at Karai. He stood there, with his hands in his pocket, slightly bent over cause the pain and sent you a bored look. 

Your mother walked in and looked around. "I swear I heard two voices," She said as she looked at you. You just gave your mother a strange look and slowly nodded. "Sorry, I was on the phone when you came home and forgot to hang up," You scratched the back of your neck as you gave your mother a nervous smile.

Your mother gave you a nervous smile and nodded her head. "Yeah, okay." She walked out of your room, shaking her head. "Typical teenager,"

As the door closed, you turned your head towards the smirking demon. "What do you want?" You asked him and crossed your arms. "Simple, revenge," He said, mimicking your movements. "What? For saving you from the cat? Are you serious?" You said, surprised. 

"No, knucklehead. You read the story, you know what happened," He huffed as he glared at you. "Take over the world? What are you, twelve? You can't start with me, idiot," You said, returning his glare. "You. Read. The. Story!" 

"What? Did I kiss you? No, I don't think so you twat," You said as you shook your head. You walked over to the textbook and showed him the page, more like pushing it in his face. "Search for her! But it's more likely you have to go to a certain graveyard though.." You said as you looked at the page yourself. 

"YOU'RE THE FREAKING GIRL!" He yelled and you were again, pushed up against the wall.

"You're going to help me take back this world, or else-" 

"Or else? You know that I have you wrapped around my finger," You said. He began to choke you but quickly released as he realized he was also choking himself. 

"You're an idiot, you know that?" You coughed as you rolled on the floor. "Shut it," 

You lied on the ground and looked at Karai. He had a choker on his neck, which looked more like a chain, tattoos on his upper body but is mostly covered by a white, ripped t-shirt and black jeans. He also wore some worn out sneakers. "Did you rob a hippie before you got here?" You asked him again and he sent you a death glare. 

"I'm only asking questions," You said and began to stand up. "But I don't think you're able to take over the world here, try somewhere else," You said as you began to head to your door. 

A hand slammed right by your head as a breath tickled your neck.

"Please, I need your help," 

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