Chapter six

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   When you have so much to do and so little time to do it, it's not the easiest thing to be a good husband. A woman is like a garden, she needs tending to achieve her maximum potential. Otherwise, things spiral out of control.
   I'd been married for three years to the most beautiful woman I'd ever met; Eve. I never understood what people meant when they said someone completed them but that was the most accurate description of the woman I married. She was made for me.
   I didn't have the easiest job in the world and it killed me to see the look on her face when I told her that I was off to yet another meeting or conference. I often had to travel, leaving her by herself cater for our two small children. Yes, I had two little girls already. One was two and the other, still a toddler. I missed a lot of moments with those two; first smiles, steps, words, etc. It wasn't the easiest thing in the world. I loved my family and much as I tried to be there for them, my job placed a huge limitation on the things I could do. Speaking of difficult moments, I had yet another important conference to represent the company at. It was in three days but it was also in London. I had to leave immediately. I dreaded moments like these; it felt like I was letting her down each time I had to tell her that I was leaving. It didn't help that the company almost never gave me good notice. I'd been the go-to guy before I got married and they refused to change the status quo even after I'd explained that it was no longer convenient. I didn't like the strain it was already putting on my relatively new marriage. But I had to work, the job paid well and I wanted to provide the best life that I could for them.
   I had to rush back and pack a bag, I had to disappoint my wife yet again. I met her in the living room with Ruby, our first daughter. They were watching a kids’ channel.
"Hey, babe." I kissed her briefly on the lips.
"You're home early," she observed.
"About that... I'm sorry for how this is going to sound, but I have to leave for London this night."
"Wow... Uhm... Okay. How long are you going to be gone?" She obviously wasn't thrilled.
"Two weeks. I have a conference then a meeting before I can head back."
"Okay. I'll miss you though, the kids will too."
"I know babe, I'm sorry it keeps happening like this. It'll get better, I promise." Even though I didn't know when things were really going to improve.
"It's okay, I guess." It was anything but. "Do you need help packing?"
"Nah, I've got it. You could keep me company though."
   A few hours later, I was on my way out of the house to meet Ijeoma at her own place, my colleague at work. Her driver was going to drive us to the airport.  I rang her doorbell and she answered in a silky looking robe, her ample bosom on display.
"Come on in." She smiled seductively. I should have known this was a bad idea. The woman had always given me weird vibes.
"You're not ready yet?"
"Shortly. We still have a little time so we should make it in the airport in good time. Come on in, I just opened a bottle of Rosé." I had a bad feeling about it all, but I went in anyway. She poured me a glass and got one for herself, settling so close to me that I was starting to regret my decision to meet up with her.
"Shouldn't you be getting ready?"
"I'm all packed, I just need to change clothes and we're on our way."
Ten minutes later, she was still pressed against me, rambling about nothing in particular.
"We're going to be late if you don't get ready."
"You're right, let me go and change." Two minutes in her bedroom and she was calling me to help with her zipper. This was going to be a long two weeks, I could already feel it. I followed the direction of her voice to her room against my better judgment, but I was not prepared for what my eyes met. She'd let the front of her robe fall open and she stood there, half-naked and smiling like she was satisfied with herself.
"I'm sorry; I thought you said your zipper was caught." I turned to leave but she grabbed my hand. When I turned around, she pressed her lips against mine. I was completely caught off guard and for a second, I just stood there. But then I came to my senses and pushed her off me.
"I'll take a cab to the airport. This will never happen again." I didn't bother explaining how I was a married man and how it was wrong. That long period of negotiation was how people got into trouble. I was married and that was that. I didn't need to add infidelity to the heartaches I was already causing my wife. I left the apartment as fast as I could, catching an overpriced taxi to the airport. That was what I should've done in the first place; taxis in Nigeria were always going to be overpriced. I could afford one, that wasn't even an excuse. I didn't want Eve driving home at night; the road to the airport was quite lonely. Otherwise, she could've easily dropped me off. I honestly don't know why I agreed to meet IJ at her apartment. I thought it was innocent when she'd suggested it back at the office, but now it was clear that she was one to be avoided. Even if it killed me, I was going to be faithful to my wife. She didn't deserve anything less.
   The days flew by, I avoided IJ as much as I could and thankfully, she left me alone. I didn't want to have to resort to rudeness. Don't get me wrong, I would've done it if I needed to, I was determined not to be tempted. There was only so much a man could take. I made it through the first week and a few days of the second and then miraculously, I was told I could go home early. I was so elated that I could surprise my wife and get to spend the few days I had left doing things with her and the kids.  I felt like the happiest man alive. I visited stores and bought her pretty gifts, grateful for the opportunity to spoil her. She deserved it for putting up with me and my crazy schedule.
   I got home by 6:47 pm on Wednesday evening. The nanny was in the living room with the kids. They welcomed me and we made merry for a few minutes but I still hadn't seen Eve.
"Doofan,  where's madam?" I asked the nanny.
"She went out, sir."
"But her car is outside." I wondered if the car had developed issues while I was away.
"She walked. Maybe it's not too far away, Sir."
I took out my and dialled Eve. I called two more times before she answered.
"Hey, honey." She answered, breathy.
"Babe, where are you? I'm home."
"Really? I'll be home in a minute."
Five minutes later, she literally ran through the front door and threw her arms around me. These were the moments I lived for. I took a moment to really look at her.
"Why are you so sweaty and breathless?" It was odd, especially at this time of the day. The sun has gone down and it was a little chilly.
"I was running, I needed to clear my head."
She didn't have her running gear on, she was wearing regular clothes. She also didn't have her iPod; she rarely went running without music. But I decided to stash those thoughts away and enjoy my family. I had a few days off including the weekend and I intended to take full advantage of it.
   The next few days were complete bliss. We saw movies, went to the park, the zoo, fancy restaurants, the entire package. I called my mother to come stay with the kids so I could take Eve to a luxury hotel. I already booked a suite and massages. It was one of the moments I'd live to cherish for the rest of my life. But at the hotel, the receptionist greeted her like they'd met before. I asked but she dismissed it, saying it was just a random acquaintance. Determined to have a great time, I let it go and enjoyed our mini getaway instead. Sunday evening came and we had to leave, it felt like the end of the world somewhat. It was finally time to go back to reality.
   Once home, I insisted on making us something to eat. I had a lot of making up to do and there was no time like the present.
"Babe, are you sure? I can do it you know?"
"I'm sure I want to cook for my wife, okay? Now, go sit and look pretty. Food will be ready any minute." She obviously wasn't used to it but I needed her to see how much she meant to me.
   The next weeks were as normal as normal could get with me. I worked late most days but at least I was coming home to my side. My kids were asleep most times when I got back and I was still missing a lot of moments with them but at least I got to see them every morning before I left for work and on Sundays. Even I drew the line somewhere, Sundays were strictly off-limits if I wasn't on a trip. I actually turned off key phones. I refused to be seduced into working on my only free day. I'd been very consistent on my position that eventually, my bosses left me alone. But I turned off my phones because I was sure that if they called one day and explained the situation elaborately, I'd be convinced enough to go and handle it. Even my family knew to call my wife on Sundays if they needed to get to me.
   This Sunday wasn't any different. I turned off my phones and enjoyed the company of my wife and two beautiful girls; they were the best thing to ever happen to me.
   I remember the first day I saw my wife. People sometimes say that when you see the person you're going to marry, you know. That wasn't always the case as even ours wasn't love at first sight. The first day I saw her, she got on my nerves instantly. It was at the fruit market, I saw some fruits I wanted and tried to pick them up. Out of nowhere, she was in my face and yelling at me to drop them. There she was, this very tall woman with a very pretty face talking me down and to be honest, it was a little intimidating. But I stood my ground nevertheless, I wasn't about to back down just because. Well, I eventually discovered that she'd picked them up for herself and had just gone to get a polythene bag so I apologized for the misunderstanding and went on my way. The next time I saw her was at an ATM in the same neighbourhood. This time, there was no aggression between us. It had to be fate because what were the odds? I talked to her and she was nice enough to apologize for the last time we met, it'd been a long day apparently. I don't remember what had pushed me but I asked to see her again and asked for her number. I was in luck because she agreed to go out with me and we had the strangest first date. It made me laugh anytime I thought about it. Her dog had died and she was so sad but didn't think it was normal for a Nigerian girl to be sad about a dog. So she tried so hard to be cheerful but after about an hour, she broke down for no reason at all. I was freaked out at first but decided to pry gently so I could understand what had changed. I tried not to laugh as I took her in my arms and comforted her. She calmed down eventually and we had a great time. I wasn't one to beat about the bush so after a few dates, I asked her to be my girlfriend. It took a few more dates but she finally agreed. I still remember how I felt that day, like I'd won the lottery. But then she quickly got to know just how tight my schedule was. I didn't ever have enough time to truly enjoy her company. Before we had kids, I would try as much as I could to take her on my trips with me. Even then, she had to wait all day while I handled my business. But at night, we would go out and have a good time. I was constantly trying to make up for something, trying to love her right or keep appointments. I wanted to be a good husband and a good father, it just was proving to be a little more difficult than I'd imagined.
    This Sunday wasn't exactly like the others, it was different and not in a good way. We were lying by the pool in my backyard, locked behind the picket fence, away from the kids. My wife's phone rang and after listening for a little bit, she handed it over to me. It was my mother calling and she was hysterical. My father had just had a heart attack and he was in the hospital. Obviously, I had to leave again. They didn't leave too far away from town but I knew I had to pack a bag. I called the office to let them know that I had a family emergency, explaining the gravity of it before I was let off the hook for a few more days. While I negotiated my way out of work, Eve had been packing me a bag. I couldn't get out fast enough, my dad was one of the people I loved the most in the world and I couldn't stand the thought of possibly losing him. He had been such a great father and to think that he was lying helpless in a hospital bed just broke my heart. Before I could rush out the door, Eve stopped me.
"Mike, you need to calm down and drive safe." I knew she was right but my thoughts had been to barrel down the highway as fast as I could and get to my father so I was looking every which way except at her.
"Babe, look at me." I finally did. "Please, promise me you'll be safe. We need you to come home safe." It was moments like this that I was reminded just how much of a rock Eve had been to me. She kept me grounded and I loved her more for it.
"I will babe, I promise." I kissed her goodbye and was out the door and on my way. I tried to drive safe, I really did but ever so often, I would go past the reasonable speed limit. Eve got me through that drive to the hospital, which was the logical conclusion. When I was going too fast, I would remember that I had to be safe for them. I couldn't leave her permanently with two small children.  I got to the hospital in a little less than an hour. When I was slowed by traffic when I'd finally neared the hospital, it took all of my restraint not to jump out of the car and run the rest of the way.
   I saw my father through the glass and I cried. It wasn't the time to try to be a man. He looked like a shadow of his once bubbly self, hooked to beeping machines. The sounds tore at my heart, making my chest squeeze. My mother was behind me, rubbing my shoulder and offering her silent comfort.
"Is he going to be okay?" It killed me to have to ask but I needed to know. If the answer wasn't yes, I didn't know what I was going to do.
"The doctors think so; it wasn't as bad as it could have been." I almost sagged with relief, I didn't even realize I'd been holding my breath waiting for the answer.
   My father was in coronary care for 24 hours and then in a ward for three more days before he was ready to go home. It meant I could go home too. I'd been so caught up in this world that I wasn't communicating with my family as much as I needed to. I tried to call Eve every evening; otherwise, I just spoke to her whenever she called. I was thankful that it was finally time to go home. I made my mom promise to call me if anything changed or if they needed anything when I drove them home. I made sure they were settled in then I was on my way. My mind was in a million places at once but one thing was clear, I needed to get home quickly and sleep. I hadn't had a decent night's sleep in days and it was telling on me.
   The house was quiet when I got home. I guessed Ruby and Ivy were in daycare. I wondered if Eve was in the bedroom or the backyard so I decided to check the back before heading upstairs. The security guard had been sitting outside so I didn't need to honk when I got home; it was possible that Eve didn't hear me come in. She would have come out to welcome me. She worked from home most days and she loved to do it by the pool, something about the water calming her and leaving her with a clear head to work. 
   My heart stopped. She was in the back but I definitely wasn't prepared for what I saw. I thought I was already feeling crappy but it felt like someone had sunk a knife in my gut, I couldn't breathe through the pain.

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