Canzoni preferite di FNaF?

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Ariete: Break My Mind, I Got No Time, It's Time to Die, Springtrap's Sorrow
Capricorno: Just Gold, Survive The Night, Follow Me, Balloons
Cancro: Five Nights at Freddy's, it's been so long, Die In a Fire, I Got no Time
Pesci: Stay Calm, It's me, Balloons, Break My Mind
Acquario: Join Us For a Bits, Hide and Seek, Funtime Dance Floor, You can't hide
Toro: No More, Our Little Horror Story, Let Me Trhrough, It's Me
Saggittario: You can't hide, it's time to die, just gold, balloons
Scorpione: Stay Calm, Our Little Horror story, It's me, Five Nights at Freddy's
Bilancia: Springtrap's sorrow, you can't hide, I'm the purple guy, No More
Gemelli: It's me, Just gold, balloons, Hide and Seek
Vergine: Springtrap's Sorrow, Break my mind, I Got No Time, I'm the purple guy
Leone: Afton Family, let me throught, Funtime Dance Floor, Follow Me

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Hello! Comunque vi adoro troppo perchè ogni volta che commentate mi fate morire dalle risate.

Quale di queste ho azzeccato nel vostro segno? xD

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