SlendermanX!Chunky Reader- Admirer

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"Okay, you can do this (Your name), you're a big girl." You gave yourself a little pep talk bringing the warm blanket closer to your plus sized form.

You were currently wrapped up like a burrito in the middle of your living room in total darkness. The only light was coming from your opened laptop. You were alone in your little one bedroom apartment and you were ready.

You slowly moved the arrow on your laptop to the start button and clicked on it as the creepy ass music started to play. Yup, you were playing the Slender game. Your buddies at work were all talking about it and you not knowing what they were yapping about questioned it.

Needless to say, they gave you 'homework' to do about Slenderman and the other Creepy pastas. So, for the past three days you've been on different sites reading all the stories and watching YouTube videos as well. Needless to say, you didn't get much sleep. Being alone in the apartment was bad enough, but after reading that shit there was no way you were closing your eyes.

It was understandable that you were a little weary about playing the game, but you decided to grow a pair of lady balls and play the game. They weren't real anyway, so what was the big deal?

"Alright, so I just have to collect all eight of these bitches and I win. That' doesn't sound too hard." You started moving your character around in the woods and after a few minutes of scary noises, a few screams and your flashlight dying in the game did you find the first note.

"Yeah buddy, come to (you name) you little bitch!" As you celebrated your little victory and clicked on the first page, you heard the static glitch up making a God awful sound.

"No, no, no! Don't you dare you fucker, it's only my first page you ass!" Your screams were in vain as the static noise grew louder and louder.

"Go little guy go, you can do it!" You continued to try and make your escape, navigating your character through the woods as the glitch noises became even louder making you cringe a bit.

You didn't see anything in front of your or to the sides making you wonder if he was behind you. Being a rebel, you stopped your character and glanced back real quick to see nothing and turned back around to start running again only to have the screen go black for a second and have the static noises come back to full blast as well as a picture of Slenderman staring at you, well you staring at the faceless dude was more like it.

"SON OF A FLAPPING BITCH!!!" In the middle of your freak out, you pushed the laptop away from you waiting for the screen to go back to the homepage like it should do.

You gulped as the picture continued to bore into your (eye color) orbs. It's been several minutes and the picture was still there. At this point, you were beyond freaked out as you unwrapped yourself from the warmth and made your way to close the laptop only to have the picture go away before you could.

Instead of going to the homepage, the game closed all together as Microsoft Word popped up. You grabbed your blanket again and wrapped it around you hoping it would protect you like it did when you were a kid.

Hello (your name)...

"What kind of sick joke is this? I swear to God if John is doing this, I'll kick his ass." You shook your head a bit hoping this was just a dream.

John has nothing to do with this, but seeing you kick his ass again would be quite hilarious.

" you can hear me...and apparently you've been following me...yeah, totally not fucking creepy..." You started glancing around in the dark room, but to no avail.

You can't see me yet (Nickname), but soon you will.

"Who the hell are you?"

An admirer, I've been watching you for a while, that trip to Chicago with your friends, singing while you cook, at work, you're fascinating (your name).

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