"Nasir..." I said slowly and immediately thought of something. "Does Ross know?"

He shook his head.

I was stunned. I felt like my heart was cracking but along with that I felt some sort of rage. "How could you do that to him?" My voice was thunderous.

"Ross is...he's not equipped to deal with this," he said.

"This is not fair! You're cheating him out of time with you!"

"Ross is emotionally unstable. The knowledge could destroy him," he defended his decision.

"You'd rather he comes home one day and finds you dead? How do you he'll feel then?"

"You don't understand Sebastian! I cannot see the pain in his eyes."

"I understand perfectly Nasir. You aren't telling him not because you're afraid he won't be able to deal with it. You are the one who can't deal with him knowing."

He looked down. "I swore to never hurt him. I can't deal with breaking that promise and living here to see through what it'll do to him."

"It's not your fault you're dying. He won't blame you for it. You can't have possibly promised him that you'd never die and I don't think he thinks you're immortal. You have to tell him. You give him far less credit. He's crazy and spontaneous but I think he's strong," I said.

"The favor..." he said and I cut in.

"Promise me you'll tell him. He needs to at least prepare."

He closed his eyes and let out a sigh. While his eyes were closed I looked properly at him. His eyes were sunken and his skin had yellow undertones. He looked a bit smaller too, but not by a great amount. I now understood the source of the back pains and the times I found him just sitting when he had to be doing something. He'd worked through his pain.

It pained me to know that.

He nodded slowly and opened his eyes.

"So what did you want from me?" I asked softly.

"You've proven to me that you care about Ross. You've brought back a light in his eyes. I thought it was a bad idea bringing you here, but I was wrong. You've just looked out for him and now I'm going to ask you to continue doing so when I'm gone. Take care of him Sebastian."

I froze, his words ringing in my ear. I had unintentionally brought a light in Ross's eyes and I didn't regret it, but he was asking too much from me.

"I-I can't" I stammered.

He nodded but didn't say anything.

"I think he's a good guy. I...I just can't stay here forever. I can't give up my life to take care of him. I have to get my life back together and move on. What if Ross decides he's had enough of my presence and decides to kick me out one day? I can't be on his leash. I want to go back to college and fix my life," I explained.

His shoulders fell. "I understand," he said softly.

I opened my mouth and closed it. I hadn't expected him to understand so quickly.

"You are young. I can't expect you to stay here. But maybe you could occasionally check on him after you leave? He connects with you and I can see he likes you."

I mulled his words over. Ross and I had a slight connection. I could deny it all I wanted but there was something. He wasn't just my boss anymore. I'd miss him when I left so the idea of checking up on him didn't sound like work. I could do that.

I nodded.

"Thank you," Nasir was grateful.

"If you don't mind me asking, did you give up your life to take care of him?"

Personal Assistant: Limited Edition[MXM]✔Where stories live. Discover now