"I heard everything," he said as he examined her ankle.

"So, you know all about this little accident." Juliette let out a groan.

"This is not good."

"Just stay calm. Everything will be fine." Erik looked up at Madame Giry.

"It's alright Antoinette, I will look after her until the show is over." "Thank you, Erik," said Madame Giry. She gave Juliette a quick kiss on the head and squeezed Juliette's hand. "I'll be back soon." Once she had left Erik turned to Juliette.

"Everything is going to be fine Juliette."

"I just feel like such a failure," she confessed to him. Erik looked at her compassionately.

"I know, but I swear, it isn't something to be ashamed about. Plenty of dancers have fallen on stage. You aren't the first and you won't be the last." Juliette's tears had stopped now and a small smile graced her features.

"Thank you, Erik," she said softly. True to his word, Erik kept Juliette company for the rest of her performance. Once the performance was over Juliette had her ankle repaired and was left with a bandaged foot and instruction for strict bedrest until further notice.

Many of her friends in the opera house attempted to cheer her up by bringing little gifts like flowers or just visit. But in those hours where she was alone things could get terribly boring. One day she received a visitor who she would never have expected.

It was afternoon and Juliette was reading a book that Erik had lent her. Suddenly, the dormitory door opened and Marietta entered.

"Hello," Marietta said awkwardly.

"Hello," Juliette replied. "I thought you might like some company and I brought something for you." She stepped forward and handed Juliette the package.

"Thank you," said Juliette taking it.

"I'm sorry for all the stupid and mean stuff I've said to you over the years. To be honest I was just jealous. You have this gorgeous natural gift for dance and are always one of the best. I suppose even though I wouldn't admit it to myself I admire you and I just kept thinking I would never be as good as you." Marietta said all of this very fast.

For the first time Juliette didn't see the entitled mean girl that she was used to but instead saw an insecure girl. Juliette did honestly believe the girl.

"Marietta, you do not need to be jealous. You are a lovely dancer. I've seen how hard you work. And if we are talking about natural talent I would point at Meg." Marietta gave her a genuine smile.

"I suppose you are right there. We are both old enough that we should be done with this petty stuff. I am just sorry you breaking an ankle was what it took to stop myself acting so childish."

"It's okay Marietta, I forgive you. And if you ever want to practice with me feel free." Said Juliette. The pair talked on for a while. They may never be best friends but friends would work just fine.


A month or so later the doctor said that Juliette would be able to go back to practice. While this was good news Juliette was a bit worried. As a result, the night before she would go back to dancing Juliette snuck out of bed and onto the stage.

Putting on her pointe shoes she tried to go up on pointe and dance but she couldn't. Every time she started to balance Juliette became afraid of falling and immediately dropped out of pointe. Then she heard a voice.

"Why are you out of bed ma petite danseuse?" It was Erik although she couldn't see him.

"Trying to practice for tomorrow. But I just can't dance." She told him.

"Nonsense, you're one of the best dancers in the company." Erik silently came out of the shadows.

"Not anymore. I can't even stay en pointe." Said Juliette dejectedly.

"Don't be silly. You're just out of practice. Here take my hand and balance en pointe." He held out one gloved hand and Juliette and she slowly rose to point. At first, she was shaky but she then steadied. Juliette lifted the right leg up in passe and then did the same with the left.

Going back on two feet Juliette closed her eyes and then suddenly realized that Erik was not supporting her anymore. Grinning Juliette started to do turns and dance all around the stage. Erik watched with a small smile on his face.

"What did I tell you?" he said.

"You were right there is no reason to be scared," said Juliette.

"Now off to bed with you before your mother catches you," Erik told her. With a last thank you Juliette grabbed her shoes and scurried back to the dormitory.

Author's note: Hope you all liked this sorry it's a tad late. I wanted to flesh out Marietta a bit. If you enjoy the story please PLEASE leave a comment below. Until next week!

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