Still shocked Juliette finally mustered the courage to speak.

"No, I..." but she was cut off.

"Good. Then you should get off to bed," he said shortly turning to leave.

"Wait! Monsieur! I am afraid while trying to escape I got lost.

The man sighed and turned back

"Very well I will take you back."

He motioned for her to follow him down a passage and she obliged. Once they stopped she turned to thank him but he was gone.

Looking round she quietly opened the dormitory door and slipped back into bed.


It was midnight and the Phantom had been about to retire to his home. However, he suddenly heard a thud along with a male voice cursing. He saw a figure race past the wall behind which he was hiding. Immediately the Phantom could guess what was happening. Buquet must be going after one of the chorus girls. And regardless about how he felt about any of the girls, he was not callous enough to let a girl get...well that was unimportant. What was important was getting the girl out of there.

He ran along a passage adjacent to where the girl was running. As she passed into a brief spot of light, he saw that it was Juliette. Suddenly, the hallway ended. He stood behind a locked door. The girl tried it but it would not budge. She turned opening her mouth to scream when he opened the door, pulled her inside, clapping a hand over her mouth, and closed the door. They waited in silence. Once he was sure she would not scream the Phantom removed his hand.

After Buquet left he removed his arm, which he now realized he had placed protectively around her. She turned to look up at him. He studied her eyes. He expected fear but all that was there was shock and gratitude.

"Are you harmed?" he asked her.

"No I..." she started to speak but he cut her off still unnerved by the momentary human contact. It was not something he was used to given his life of relative isolation.

The girl had lost her way in the chase so the Phantom led her back to the dormitories. He did not speak the whole way. Juliette still seemed to be processing everything. Once he reached the dorms the Phantom left without another word.


The next day Juliette woke up and remembered the events of last night. At breakfast Meg looked at her slightly worried. Juliette was still processing everything. She had gotten the note yes, but an actual meeting was not expected. Not to mention that The Phantom, although she preferred to call him Erik, had saved her.

"Are you sure you are okay Julie? You look pale," said Meg in a concerned tone.

"Yes, I'm fine. Just had a lot of excitement last night," Juliette told her.

They were sitting with Jaime, Mary Ann, Elizabeth, and Darby. Thus, the group was out of earshot of the other dancers and stagehands.

"Did you have a run in with Buquet?" said Elizabeth shocked.

When Juliette nodded Darby growled, "That man is in deep trouble. I'm sorry you had to deal with that lass. I'm going to see about this."

"But he didn't get you?" asked Mary Ann fearfully.

"No, I knocked him in the head with a candle holder and ran back." Juliette said, careful to avoid mentioning The Phantom.

"That a girl! He'll have one heck of a headache after that!" said Jaime

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