2.7 | the end of a magical journey

Start from the beginning

—Line Break—

Going home to an empty house would never be easy for Rosalie Evans.

She had always been welcomed home with open arms and smiles. But the Evans household was quite still, and very quiet, the only sounds being the wind chimes blowing around on the porch.

Rosalie entered her room, smiling sadly at the packed boxes. Petunia would be moving into her own house, and Lily was moving in with her friends. That left Rosalie, the middle Evans sister, to move into an apartment by herself.

She dropped her trunk and sat down on the bed, her eyes covering every inch of the room. Memories painted the floors and walls.

The times she and Petunia had sat on their beds and gossiped, or when she and Lily jumped on the beds in an attempt to make her feel better after Petunia had started her first (and last) year at boarding school. The times they had fought and things had been thrown. The discolouration on the  walls from where their posters had sat for years. The stain on the carpet from when she accidentally spilled nail polish.

Smiling, Rosalie pulled out her wand and pointed it at the stain. "Scourgify." Soapy water sprouted from the end of her wand and the stain was effectively cleaned from the pale carpet.

"Rosie?" Petunia called from downstairs. "Yeah?" The middle Evans sister called back. "We're going out for dinner. Do you want to come?" "Yeah, yeah, I'm coming."

She rushed down the stairs, pulling her arms through her coat. "Let's go," Petunia ordered, making Vernon and Rosalie look at each other. They snickered, but stopped when Vernon received a slap to the head. Instead of snickering, Rosalie burst into laughter. "Come on Rosie! Out! Otherwise you'll be walking." "I'm going!"

— Line Break —

July 8th, 1979
Dear Miss Evans,

I am pleased to say that your internship will begin on the sixth of August. Please find an enclosed of information, dress codes and such.

Your shift starts at 8am and finishes at 5pm. You can access the ministry of magic via floo or the magical telephone box. If using the latter, dial 62442 'magic'. Have your wand checked in and get your ID card at reception.

I await your arrival.

Amelia Bones,
Head of Magical Law Enforcement

Smiling, Rosalie placed the letter down and flopped back down on her bed, a silly smile playing at her lips. God she was excited.

"Hey, Rosie?" Lily appeared in the doorway, hair sloppily put into a ponytail.

"Yeah, Lils?" The blonde asked, rolling over to stand up.

"Have you seen my skirt?" Lily asked, eyebrows scrunching.

"Which one?"

"The grey one."

Sighing, Rosalie answered, "No, sorry Lils. In fact, I've got to do some study. I've just received a letter from Madam Bones. Did you check in Tunney's drawers?"

"Of course!" Lily facepalmed and went hollering down the hall.

Rosalie laughed and went to her bookcase. She rifled though the books and the stacks on her desk. "Ugh, I've gotta head to Diagon Alley. PETUNIA!"

"What?!" The eldest Evans sister called back.

"I'm going to Diagon Alley. I've got to pick up some books."

Grabbing her bag, she noticed the lack of ink in her inkwell. "And maybe a few other things as well." She murmured.

"Okay, just be back by six!"

"It's ten! I won't be gone for eight hours!"

"Don't give me attitude Rosalie!" Petunia yelled in a mothering tone.

She scoffed. "Yes mum!"

"What was that?!" "Nothing!"

Diagon Alley was still as cheerful and happy as it usually was, despite the fact that the prophet was saying that the war was at its height of terror.

Rosalie entered the bookstore and immediately went to the isles full of basic law books.


She dropped the book she was holding in a startle and turned around.

"Sev! Reg! Luc! Hey guys."

The three boys hugged her individually. "What are you guys up to?"

"We came to get some books." Regulus replied.

Rosalie tried not to choke. His voice had gotten deeper, like, handsome and totally gorgeous deep.

She cleared her throat. "Same. I got an internship at the ministry."

"What department?" Regulus asked as he bent down to pick up her book.

"Law enforcement. I'm gonna be Amelia Bones' P.A." Rosalie replied as she took the book from Regulus.

"Luc? Sev? What are you guys doing here?"

"Picking up some potion ingredients." Severus replied, smirking knowingly.

"I'm bored so I decided to come along." Lucius replied.

She rolled her eyes and picked up another book, looking at the tittle then adding it to her stack.

"I have to get going. Lots to do, you know."

"We should meet up." Regulus offered. "Three broomsticks one weekend."

"Sure," Rosalie agreed. "Owl me when, okay?"

"Of course. Bye, Ro." "Bye guys."

And as Rosalie left Flourish and Blotts, she hoped her face wasn't as red as she thought it was.

Authors Note:

I'm kinda thinking of doing Rosie/Regulus because idk.

But comment anyway, what do you want to see?

QOTD: If you attended Hogwarts, what would be your favourite subject?

Mine would be Charms or potions. I'd dread flying, god I hate heights.

See you guys in the next chapter!


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