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Jean had driven to the movie drive in with the two X-men and the strange girl in the back seat. Lance was still asleep in the passenger seat, not noticing that he was with three people he would rather not be with. Kurt and Evan were both very uncomfortable around the teenage girl that was sitting with them, so Jean thought that she wouldn't have an argument over what movie they would go to.

"How about the 'Chanion Diaries', Jean commented, turning to the boys.

"Come on Jean, that movie is a gagging romance movie," Evan commented.

"I vant to go to the zombie movie," Kurt said, folding his arms.

"Perhaps our guest should choose which movie we should go to," Jean commented.

"I want the zombie movie!" the girl chimed in. "I mean, zombies are so cool! Except when they go after you!"

"Alright… I'll let Scott know that we're going to the zombie movie," Jean said, paying to get them in. She drove the car into a spot and waited for Scott to drive the others in there. She also got snacks for everyone.

It was then that she noticed Lance starting to wake up from the deep sleep he had been in. He fidgeted a little, then opened his eyes narrowly. They suddenly snapped open and a small quake acured. He then heard from the back seat the strange girl speak up. "What is it with this place and these quakes?"

"Her?" Lance choked out.

"She said something about you not remembering who you are," Evan blurted out, leaving over Lance, causing the boys eyes to go wide. The boy was to close to him, way to close. He breathed in and wasn't letting out a breath.

"Close… too close!" Jean heard coming from Lance's mind, which surprised her, as Lance tended not let his mind be that vulnerable… she wasn't even having to try and attempt to get into his mind. She used her powers to push Evan back into his seat. "You were saying Evan was too close too you, with your mind?"

Lance let out the breath he had been holding in. "No"

"I'm not even trying to read your mind…" Jean said, shaking her head at the boy, causing him to move his eyes away.

"Hey, it isn't like you to be this veak," Kurt commented.

"Shut up!" Lance thought, and Jean picked it up.

"We're concerned," Jean commented. "What happened?"

"Not…weakness… no… not … seizure," Lance thought, trying to hide his thought unsuccessfully.

Jean blinked a couple of times. "What do you mean seizure?"

Kurt coughed on his soda, it coming out of his nose. The girl suddenly burst out laughing, causing Jean to notice Lance wince. Evan though leaned over Lance again, causing the same problem as before. "You, of all people have seizures?"

"Get off!" Lance thought. Jean also picked up that he was not happy about the fact that Evan was getting so close. This time she pushed the boy away without her powers.

"Lance… does Mystique… does the Brotherhood know you have the seizures?"

"Ehh… recollect," Lance thought to himself.

"She was saying you couldn't remember you name," Evan commented, finding the whole situation funny.

"Name… uughh … can't think," Lance thought, then closed his eyes. "Sleep…"

"Hey… Lance!" said Pietro, suddenly speeding up and sticking his face close to Lance's. "You so messed up!"

"Hissk! Away!" Lance said, opening his eyes temporarily.

WinX: Melody (X-Men Evolution/Winx Club Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now